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Make it an Artisans Handmade Valentines Day!



Valentine’s Day, February 14th, will be here before we know it with cupids, hearts, pink and red found everywhere.  Across the United States and in many other countries around the world, candy, flowers and gifts are exchanged between loved ones, all in the name of St. Valentine.  While there was a St. Valentine (the Catholic Church actually recognizes three saints named Valentine or Valentinus), the “day of love” was declared the day before the pagan celebration of Lupercalia, celebrated at the ides of February or February 15.  Lupercalia was a fertility festival dedicated to Faunus, the Roman god of agriculture, as well as to the Roman founders Romulus and Remus. Valentines Day was officially declared on February 14th by Pope Gelasius at the end of the 5th century in an effort to Christianize the Roman celebration, declaring Lupercalia as “un-Christian.”

Give Me Red! - Wonderful Handmade Wednesday on Indiemade


If I could tell you about Red

I would sing to you of fire

Sweet like cherries

Burning like cinnamon

Smelling like a rose in the sun


Dixie Dawn Miller Goode, from Rainbows Around Us: A Celebration of Color

Blues, Turquoise and Teals - Wonderful Handmade Wednesday on Indiemade




According to scientific studies, blues, turquoise and teals have been found to be some of the most relaxing colors, both mentally and physically, especially the lighter shades.  Peaceful, calm and gentle, these colors have tremendous power to manage stress. They are very soothing colors that help calm the mind, slow down the heart rate, lower blood pressure and reduce anxiety.  From home decor to clothing to jewelry, the colors are favorites.  


Today’s Wonderful Handmade Wednesday on Indiemade features beautiful items created by handmade artists in the three colors:  blue, turquoise and/or teal. I hope you enjoy these choices . . . and feel a bit more relaxed after looking (and perhaps purchasing)!

Red for Valentine's Day! Wonderful Handmade Wednesday on Indiemade



Valentine’s Day will soon be here, so I thought I’d share some mainly red handmade items from talented Indiemade artists.  Now these items were purposely chosen to not be overly “Valentines” - no heart designs here!  Just wonderful designs that primarily deal in many shades of red, from deep reds to vibrant reds.  So these beauties obviously can be worn most any time of the year.

Second Page, Third Artisan Item - Wonderful Handmade Wednesday on Indiemade



First of all, I want to wish everyone a happy, healthy and prosperous NEW YEAR.  It’s hard to believe that 2018 is already here.  Wow, it seems like 2017 just flew by on supersonic wings . . .


I also want to welcome you to my first blog for 2018, the first of many more for the year.  This first post features artisan handmade items from Indiemade friends.  I randomly chose the theme as “Second Page, Third Item,” so, as of yesterday (when I chose the items), each pick is the third item on the second page in the shops featured.  As you can see, a wide variety of items are highlighted.  If something catches your eye and you want more information, please be sure to either click the photo or the link below each photo to be taken to the item.  Enjoy!

First Page, Last Handmade Item - Wonderful Handmade Wednesday on Indiemade



I always love to do random type blog posts, posts that don’t have a specific theme, like “flowers, “autumn” or based on a quote.  For this post, I chose “First Page, Last Handmade Item” (as of when this blog was written),” a random pick of artisan handmade creations, the last item on the first page.  Despite not having a specific theme, the handmade items from Indiemade artist friends always showcase a wide range of extraordinary talent.  If an item catches your eye, either click on the photo or the live link beneath the photo to be taken to the item in the shop.  There you will find more information and photos.  I hope you enjoy these last handmade items found on the first page:

First Artisan Item, Second Page - Wonderful Handmade Wednesday on Indiemade



The week since my last Wonderful Handmade Wednesday on Indiemade blog post just flew by.  Here is is Tuesday evening and I suddenly realized I hadn’t even thought about the post for tomorrow.  Heck, I forgot it was even Tuesday!  Not to fear though . . . there are so many beautiful handmade items in the shops of Indiemade artist friends, that I have a wide range of beauties to choose from.  I decided this week’s post would feature the First Artisan Item, Second Page (as of my typing this).  Even though the picks are widely diverse in style and materials, they all fit beautifully together since they all are handmade from the heart.

The Earth Laughs in Flowers - Wonderful Handmade Wednesday on Indiemade



The weather has been unusually warm here in the Desert Southwest (sorry about that to my northern friends!).  Winter was only a glancing blow a few times.  Since the days have been warm with plenty of sunshine, the grass in the back yard is beginning to green up and some fruit trees are already blooming, masses of pale pink and white flowers.  One of my geraniums is blooming, the hot fuchsia color is so welcome, and the hardy roses are putting on lovely reddish new growth.  Am sure they will be in full bloom in several weeks. And, happily, the much beloved Spanish lavender is setting buds.  Soon the cacti and other native desert plants will be in full bloom - maybe not the showiest of flowers, but gorgeously sublime nonetheless.

Valentines Day Gift Ideas! - Wonderful Handmade Wednesday on Indiemade




Valentine’s Day will be here before we know it.  It is a day that started with pagan roots, associated with the Roman festival, Lupercalia. Celebrated at the ides of February (February 13-15), Lupercalia was a fertility festival dedicated to Faunus, the Roman god of agriculture, as well as to the Roman founders, Romulus and Remus.  Lupercalia survived the initial rise of Christianity but was outlawed around 496 A.D. when Pope Gelasius declared February 14 as St. Valentine’s Day. It is not known, however, which of three St. Valentines (all of whom were martyred) Pope Gelasius was honoring.  In 1381, Geoffrey Chaucer, a famous English poet, first associated St. Valentine's Day with romance in a poem he wrote in honor of the engagement between Richard II and Anne of Bohemia.  The engagement, the mating season of birds, St. Valentine’s Day and true love were all linked . . .  and it’s been a day for lovers ever since.  

Ancient Symbols in a Modern World - Wonderful Handmade Wednesday on Indiemade



Symbols have always had a great significance in the lives of humans, from pre-historic times to modern man.  Since ancient symbols are ingrained into our lives, most people don't realize these symbols are everywhere.  From the logos of modern companies (Starbucks with their mermaid), to television shows (spirals in True Detective) and movies (Legendary Pictures with their Celtic knot logo) from religious books and texts (The Bible, The Koran)  to decorations on buildings (sunbursts and dolphins), ancient symbols are everywhere.

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