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Blog entry

Animalia - Handmade Animal Inspired Gifts



As most of my friends know, I adore animals - always have and always will - in all their glorious shapes and sizes and colors life story.  Well, ttruthfully, I’m not too fond of mosquitos and ticks, despite their important role on this earth.  Besides dogs and horses, it’s hard for me to pick out a favorite animal.  I'm fascinated by all of them.  How about you?  


But just what is the term “animalia?”  ANIMALIAa taxonomic kingdom comprising all multicellular living and extinct animals - also called “metazoa.”


According to the Animal Diversity Web, it estimated that around 9 to 10 million species of animals inhabit the earth.  Metazoa range in size from no more than a few cells - such as the parasitic orthonectids - to organisms weighing many tons - such as blue whales and giant squid.  By far, insects make up the most species in animalia, with approximately 5.5 million species. 


Having such a life-long love of (most) animals, I decided that a blog based on “Animalia” would be fun to pull together.  I invited artist friends to share two handmade items that were based on animals.  What a wide variety of beauties were shared, many one of a kind designs.  If something catches your eye, please make sure to either click the photo or the link below the picture for more information.  I hope you enjoy this showcase of animal art!



Animalia - Animal Themed Artisan Handmade Gifts



If you would like to participate in this promotional link-up, please leave two of your handmade items that are animal themed.  The shares can be domestic animals, wild animals, birds, insects, reptiles, amphibians, etc.  I'll include both items on an Animalia blog that will be finished and posted (hopefully) by the end of next week.  The one rule is:  you must promote all the items to at least two social media platforms and also promote the blog.  I'll be promoting from here (tweeting and pinning) AND then tweet again and pin to new boards when the blog is posted.  The blog will also be shared to Facebook.  If you tweet, please use the hashtag #Animalia2022 to make the tweets easy to find for retweeting.  The InLinkz will close Tuesday, February 15 at 3:00 p.m. Mountain Time.  I look forward to seeing your shares! 



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