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Colours by Donovan - Three for Thursday



A couple of days ago, while I was picking up some veggies and fruit from our local Whole Foods, I keyed in on a song that was playing in the background - a song I loved waaaaay back when.  When I got home, I looked it up on YouTube, played the video and then let the mix of music from the mid-60’s to early 70’s continue playing. Brought back to many happy, and some sad, memories.  One of the songs that played was Donovan Leitch’s “Colours,” a song I adored then and still adore now. I get lost in the peaceful lyrics, the lovely simplicity of the folk guitar accompaniment and Donovan's hauntingly beautiful voice.  The song was released in 1965 and, 54 years later, is still a classic. I have played it over and over since “rediscovering” it. The lyrics are shared near the end of the post.


Here’s a link to the YouTube video (version without harmonica): 

Donovan’s “Colours” 1965  


And here’s an incredible live version of the song with Pete Seeger sitting in on banjo: 

Donovan "Colours" 1966

Original Art - Three for Thursday




“The paint is simply an extension of my hand, my mind.” ~ Antonio Masi, Watercolor Artist



Having never been a painter - although I did dabble in watercolors for a bit and realized very quickly I had no talent for it besides “abstract blobs” - I am always astounded at the beauty that artists reveal on their canvas of choice.  I think you will also be amazed at the wide variety of techniques and styles of the three painters featured in this new Three for Thursday blog. The artists are: Sharon of RavensBendFolkArtRoxanne of watercolorsNmore; and Jacki of Christie Cottage.  I hope you enjoy these choices and that you will visit their shops to see more art.

Handmade Gift Ideas - Three for Thursday



When I was browsing the internet the other day, looking for nothing in particular, I stumbled across this quote:


Something Handmade is So Much More Meaningful


It caught my eye, because, being a handmade jewelry artist myself, I promote buying handmade whenever I can, through my own work or the work of others artist friends.  Handmade items ARE more meaningful . . . and are often one of a kind . . . and always have a small piece of the artist’s soul buried in them.

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