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Blog entry

Christmas in July - Artisan Handmade Gifts - 2023



Since it seems Christmas arrives earlier and earlier each and every year, it’s never too early to start shopping for those perfect holiday gifts for a loved one!   Believe it or not Christmas with the jolly man in red and his reindeer show up in about 6 months - actually 164 days (from when this blog is posted) according to the ever ticking CHRISTMAS CLOCK.  I’ve noticed quite a few “Christmas in July” promos and such at stores and on social media, so I decided to host one here on my Shadow Dog Designs blog.  I asked artist friends to share two items - one that is “Christmasy” (in design or colors, etc.) and one that doesn’t have to be. Since many of these beauties are one of a kind, be sure to shop early (and often) so you don’t miss out.  And please visit the shops of the artisans featured for even more wonderful creations that are handmade from the heart.  Hopefully one or more items featured in the Christmas in July - Artisan Handmade Gifts - 2023 (or in the artists' shops) will make it into your shopping basket - treat yourself or someone else!  And remember this year:  SHOP SMALL and SHOP HANDMADE!




Make It a Handmade Christmas 2021 - Week 12




Tick . . . tick . . . tick . . . tick . . . tick.   According to the Christmas clock, there are now only 17 (!!!) days until Christmas is here!  It’s hard to believe that a week has already gone by here in December, and, with it, the last week of the Countdown to Christmas 2021.  The Countdown has been graciously hosted all these weeks (and years) by Julie and Harry of Blue Morning Expressions on their The Blu Print blog. Yes, Week 12 has come and gone and 27 artisan handmade items from 9 artists were left in its wake.  Any of the beauties will be perfect for a Christmas gift, one that was carefully created from the heart.  Support handmade independent  artists by helping Santa make it a HANDMADE CHRISTMAS this year!




Christmas Earrings Handmade by Shadow Dog Designs



The Christmas holiday season will be here before we know it, when we are all searching for the perfect Secret Santa gifts, best friend gifts, Christmas gifts, stocking suffers, perfect jewelry for parties, etcc.  My SHADOW DOG DESIGNS handmade jewelry shop has a wide range of unique holiday earrings.  You'll definitely find something for your Chrustmas jewelry needs, whether for yourself or for others.  Some designs are one of a kind pieces - others are not.  I have them divided below so you know which is which.  I hope you enjoy this selection of an even dozen of sparkling holiday earrings.  To see even more, please click on this link:  ARTISAN CHRISTMAS JEWELRY






Make It a Handmade Christmas 2021 - Week 8




Already, week 8 of the Countdown to Christmas 2021 has come on gone!  It’s hard to believe that there are only four more weeks left! The Countdown is a chance for mostly handmade artists to share three of their beautiful gift ideas and for all to browse and, hopefully, purchase.  The ever ticking Christmas clock doesn’t let up - according to it, Santa will start his journey in only 45 days!  Need a perfect start to your Christmas shopping? The Countdown is the place to do just that!  A good motto to follow: SHOP EARLY, SHOP OFTEN!  And, most of all, SHOP HANDMADE to support hard working indie artists! 




Make It a Handmade Christmas 2020 - Week 7



Wow!  We are already more than half-way through the Countdown to Christmas 2020 - only 5 more weeks to go!  It’s hard to imagine that Christmas will soon be here.  According to the ever ticking Christmas clock, there are only 51 days (when this bog was posted) until Santa Claus drops down that chimney and either leaves gifts or lumps of coal for deserving or not-so-deserving boys and girls.  Since Christmas is looming, now is the perfect time to start your holiday shopping and the Countdown is the perfect place! Remember this motto: SHOP EARLY, SHOP OFTEN! And, most of all, please PURCHASE HANDMADE from small business owner!




Colors for Autumn - Artisan Handmade - Three for Thursday



Despite the days still being in the mid- to high-90’s here in the Borderlands (unusual here for this time of the year), the last few mornings have had a tinge of autumn in the air.  I’m definitely ready for the cooler breezes and being able to leave the windows open. Purple asters will bloom and the cottonwoods will turn a glorious golden yellow. Fall will soon be here (I hope!).


With autumn in mind, I decided to choose handmade beauties in fall colors for this Three for Thursday titles, appropriately enough, Colors for Autumn.  The artists today are: Kathy of KatsAllThat; Pamela of MagdaleneKnits; and me, Catherine of Shadow Dog Designs. I hope you enjoy my autumn inspired picks and will visit the shops of the artists for more wondrous handmade fall elegance.

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