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I'll Stop Wearing Black When - A Short History of the Non-Color Black



I’ll stop wearing black when they invent a darker color - Wednesday Addams



Writing about the history of black is probably a bit strange here in the middle of spring with flowers blooming up a storm in all sorts of beautifully varied and cheerful colors.  But just like Wednesday Addams of the Addams Family fame, black has always been a color (or non-color as it turns out) that I enjoy wearing.  Black has a very long and rich history, something I found most fascinating.  I kept reading and reading and reading some more:  interesting information and tidbits about black, both the elegant side and the more “evil” connotations.  So, I decided to share some of the information.  And also highlight unique handmade items from artist friends that feature black prominently in the design.  Other photos of interest about black are also scattered in.  All photos are linked.




Beautiful Flowers - Artisan Handmade for Spring

                                                         Photo by James J. Shaw



I know a bank where the wild thyme blows,

Where oxlips and the nodding violet grows,

Quite over-canopied with luscious woodbine,

With sweet musk-roses and with eglantine.

William Shakespeare, A Midsummer Night's Dream



Let us dance in the sun, wearing wild flowers in our hair . . . 

Susan Polis Schutz

Hot, Hot, Hot Dogs Days of Summer - Artisan Handmade


The dog days of summer are here and the temperatures have gotten hot, hot, hot.  It seems heat records have been shattered worldwide, especially in places that normally don’t get that hot.  Weird weather all over. Climate change is real, folks! 


So, just how did the term "Dog Days of Summer" come about?  Depending on latitude and longitude, the Dog Days usually start the beginning of July and end the beginning of September in the Northern Hemisphere and between early January to early March in the Southern Hemisphere.  Most people believe the phrase "dog days" developed by observing domestic dogs (such as our Seamus) laying around in shady areas during hot days. Another old myth, first attributed to Pliny the Elder, a Roman naturalist, stated in his Natural History that rabid dogs are supposed to be more common during this time of the year because the heat drives them mad.  He advised feeding dogs chicken manure to curb the tendency!!!

Beautiful Blues - Artisan Handmade - Three for Thursday



Blue is a much beloved, favorite color of many, many people worldwide, especially in Europe and the United States.  But, if you look back at the history of blue, it was an ignored color for quite some time.  The Greek and Romans had no word for the color - it was never mentioned in any of the many texts produced at that time.  The color itself was barely distinguished from neutral shades. In the Odyssey, for example, Homer mentioned white and black hundreds of times, rarely mentioned red and yellow and used the term “wine-dark” to describe blue items, such as the sky or the sea.  What we think of as blue was associated with the Celts who were said to have painted their bodies blue before going into battle, women with blue eyes were believed to have loose morals and descriptions of rainbows omitted the color blue altogether!

Second Page, Second Item - Wonderful Handmade Wednesday on Indiemade



Emmaline Bride, writer of The Handmade Wedding Blog, gave three reason to buy handmade:


Handmade is made with love

Handmade is made with care

Handmade is made just for you



I certainly agree with all three of these reasons.  Why buy mass produced items - your neighbor next door can be wearing the exact same thing - when you can buy handmade, which can be  one of a kind, and only YOU own it!

Terrific Turquoise - Wonderful Handmade Wednesday on Indiemade



Since I live in the Desert Southwest, turquoise is a definite favorite of people, both the gemstone itself and the color.  Turquoise is a shade of blue that lies on the color scale between blue and green. It has psychological characteristics associated with both of those colors:  the calmness of blue and the growth that is represented in green. Turquoise is said to be a color that balances blue, green and yellow, linking it to emotional balance. It is a color promotes a feeling of serenity and stability.  I don’t know about you, but whenever I work with turquoise, I do feel a great sense of peace and calmness.


Terrific Turquoise is the theme of today’s Wonderful Handmade Wednesday on Indiemade blog.  Each artisan handmade item selected uses the color turquoise (or even the gemstone itself) as a major part of the design or as a beautiful accent.  Most of these beauties are one of a kind designs and all are made from the heart.  I hope you enjoy these handmade creations using the color turquoise.

Pink for Valentine's Day - Wonderful Handmade Wednesday on Indiemade



Valentine’s Day is rapidly approaching and, hopefully, you are beginning to start a gift list.  With that in mind, and since last week I featured red items, this weeks Wonderful Handmade Wednesday on Indiemade will feature items created with shades of pink, from pale pinks to vibrant pinks and lots in between.  But just like last week, these items are not overtly Valentine’s Day themed - no hearts (yet!).  All the designs featured are handmade by talented handmade artists and can can be worn / used anytime of the year.  THINK HANDMADE FOR VALENTINE’S DAY THIS YEAR! 

Christmas Stocking Stuffer Gift Ideas - Wonderful Handmade Wednesday on Indiemade



Christmas will soon be here, less than two weeks away.  The ever ticking Christmas clock says there are only 11 days left!  But fear not!  If you have waited to the last minute to buy stocking stuffers and/or gifts, I have pulled together a collection of wonderful artisan handmade ideas, any of which Santa would be proud to deliver.  Please browse the items below.  


Make it a HANDMADE CHRISTMAS this year!

First Artisan Item, Second Page - Wonderful Handmade Wednesday on Indiemade



The week since my last Wonderful Handmade Wednesday on Indiemade blog post just flew by.  Here is is Tuesday evening and I suddenly realized I hadn’t even thought about the post for tomorrow.  Heck, I forgot it was even Tuesday!  Not to fear though . . . there are so many beautiful handmade items in the shops of Indiemade artist friends, that I have a wide range of beauties to choose from.  I decided this week’s post would feature the First Artisan Item, Second Page (as of my typing this).  Even though the picks are widely diverse in style and materials, they all fit beautifully together since they all are handmade from the heart.

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