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Blog entry

Make It an Artisan Handmade Christmas - Week 5 Favorites - 2024



Where does hte time go?  It seems to go by more and more quickly each week:  week 5 of the Countdown to Christmas has already come and gone!  According to the ever ticking Your Christmas Countdown Clock, there are only 63 days (a bit more than 2 months!!!) before the the reindeer driving man clothed in red and white arrives once again. With the rapidly approaching holiday season, Julie and Harry of Blue Morning Expressions comtimue to host a twelve-week Countdown to Christmas 2024 of artisan handmade items on their Buy Handmade from Makers blog. Now is the perfect time to start your holiday shopping and the Countdown is the perfect place to begin that!  This week, 33 handmade / designed items from 11 artists were shared in the wide-ranging gift collection: jewelry of all different styles, photo albums, art prinrs, note cards, throw pillows, keychains, decal sets, lampwork beads, baby gifts and more.  Remember this motto: SHOP EARLY and SHOP OFTEN!  And, most of all, SHOP HANDMADE to support a small indie business.


Each week during the 12 week Countdown, I will pick a favorite item from each artist (hard to do!) and feature them here on my blog.  Here are my favorites for Week 5:  





New Handmade Jewelry at Shadow Dog Designs - One of a Kind Beauties




It has been quite a while since I pulled together a blog featuring my newest handmade jewelry, a colelction of both earrings and necklaces, all one of a kind designs.  It's hard to make myself sit down in front of the computer when Spring is calling me to be outside.  The hummingbirds have been back for sevral weeks now, flowers are blooming and the birds are singing and nesting.  Of course, I haunt several local nirseries to add to my new pollinator flower bed.  Have to admit, it's looking pretty darn good! 


So, without further ado, here are 10 of the latest earrings and necklace creatons that can be found in my SHADOW DOG DESIGNS jewelry shop:




Make It a Handmade Mothers Day - Artisan Gifts - Week 3



Week 3 of the Countdown to Mother’s Day 2024 seem to have blown right on by (where do the days go???).  Hosted by Julie and Harry of Blue Morning Expressions on their Buy Handmade from Makes blog, 36 unique handmade items from 12 artists were shared on the Countdown - each beauty a wonderful gift for Mom in her bug day.  Since Mother's Day will be here before you know it - on May 12 - this is the perfect time to start thinking about and buying a gift(s) for your mom, grandmother, favorite auntie or other much loved woman.  Browse all the wonderful handmade shares for Week 3, visit the shops of the artists featured and buy your mom a unique gift that was artisan handmade from the heart.  Be sure to buy handmade this Mother's Day and support a small indie business!



Make It an Artisan Handmade Christmas - Favorites - Week 5, 2023



Time seems to go by more and more quickly each week - week 5 of the Countdown to Christmas has already come and gone!  According to the ever ticking Your Christmas Countdown Clock, there are only 60 days (2 months!!!) before the ho-ho-ho'ing, reindeer driving man clothes in red and white arrives once again. With the rapidly approaching holiday season in mind, Julie and Harry of Blue Morning Expressions comtimue to host a twelve-week Countdown to Christmas 2023 of artisan handmade items on their Buy Handmade from Makers blog. Now is the perfect time to start your holiday shopping and the Countdown is the perfect place to begin that!  This week, 36 handmade/designed items from 12 artists were shared in the wide-ranging gift collection: jewelry of different styles, Christmas ornaments, throw pillows,nurse hoodie, a wire kippah. lampwork beadsand more.  Remember this motto: SHOP EARLY and SHOP OFTEN!  And, most of all, SHOP HANDMADE to support small indie businesses.


Each week during the 12 week Countdown, I pick a favorite item from each artist (hard to do!) and feature them here on my blog.  These are my favorites for Week 5:  



New Handmade Earrings and Necklaces - Jewelry by Shadow Dog Designs



Since the heat wave that set in about a week ago has not let up, I find it too hot to go outside and photograph new jewelry (which I normally do around noonish).  Photographing is something I really need to do, but I'll wait until it cools down a bit.  So I decided to pull together a blog that features the eleven newest jewelry designs in my SHADOW DOG DESIGNS jewelry shop,  three new necklace and eight pairs of earrings.  Each piece was designed and handmade by me and they are all one of a kind designs.  If something catches your eye and you would like to look at more photos and read more about the piece, please click on the picture or the description underneath to be taken to the item listing.  I hope you enjoy each and every piece as much as I love creating them!

Buy Artisan Handmade for Mothers Day 2023 - Week 9



Watch out!  Mother’s Day will be here very, very soon - in fact, this coming Sunday, May 14.  It’s still not too late to order a handmade gift (do it now!) from the beauties shared this week on the Countdown to Mother's Day 2023 Week 9.  The Countdown was hosted again this year by Julie and Harry of Blue Morning Expressions on their Buy Handmade from Makers blog.  Hard to believe this is the last weel of the Countdown - time sure flies by!  Despite that, 10 handmade artisans shared a total of 30 wonderfully unique items, some of them one of a kind designs. Browse the wide range of eye catching shares for this week, visit the shops of the artists featured and buy your Mom something that was HANDMADE from the heart!  By shopping small, you'll also support a small indie business (and for that, we are eternally grateful!).



Pick a Bouquet of Spring Flowers - Artisan Handmade Floral Gifts



Spring unlocks the flowers to paint the laughing soil.


Bishop Reginald Heber ~



I have always loved the quote shared above.  Bishop Reginald Heber (1783-1826), well known for his poetry, describes in just a few words the joyousness of spring on the return of flowers.  I, myself, can’t wait to finish the new flower bed I started digging last fall and filling it with native plants chosen specifically for pollinators of all types.  Let the flowers paint the laughing soil!  And let the colorful flowers be an important food source for bees of all types, flower flies, butterflies, moths, wasps and hummingbirds.  


With all-things-flower in mind, I invited artist friends to share two of their floral designs.  As you will see in the beautiful items below, there is a wide range of flowers to be had, from note cards to jewelry, from lampwork beads to photography, from photography to digital art and many, many more!  Be sure to pick a bouquet of floral beauties and support small handmade businesses!


For Twitter, please use the hashtag #SpringFlowers.




Make It an Artisan Handmade Christmas - 2022 - Week 4



Where did Week 4 of the Countdown to Christmas go?  Or for that matter, weeks 1-3???  All four weeks have quickly sped right on by - we’re now ⅓ of the way through the Countdown!  .  According to the ever ticking Christmas clock there is only 74 days until Christmas is here again!  Since the holiday gift giving season is quickly approaching, Julie of Blue Morning Expressions along with her handsome sidekick, Harry, are hosting a twelve-week Countdown to Christmas 2022 of artisan handmade items on their Buy Handmade from Makers blog in their Shopify shop.  The twelve week time period was chosen to correspond with the ubiquitous Christmas carol, "The Twelve Days of Christmas''. This week, there were 36 shares by 12 artists with a wide range of gift ideas: jewelry of all sorts, thimbles, Christmas ornaments, lampwork beads, party stickers and tags, hand crocheted baby gifts and photographic / digital art. If you need a perfect start to your Christmas shopping, the Countdown is the place to do just that!  An excellent motto to follow is: SHOP EARLY, SHOP OFTEN.  And, most of all, SHOP HANDMADE to support small indie businesses!




New Handmade Earrings and Necklaces - Shadow Dog Designs



The heat of summer has set in here in the Desert Southwest.  Which means planting more flowers in the flower beds is pretty much a done deal until the monsoon season sets in shortly (hopefully - we really need some rain!).  More time is being spent inside during the day until the temps cool down when the sun starts to set, so I'm making good use of the extra time inside creating and listing new jewelry.  And I'm looking further down the road to the Labor Day weekend when the Franciscan Festival of Fine Arts is being held - my first big show of the season and my favorite.  Five new pairs of earrings and two new necklaces have been recently added to my SHADOW DOG DESIGNS handmade jewelry shop.  I also added three older pieces to make an even ten.  If something catches your eye and you want to look at more photos or need more information, please either click the picture or the description under the pic to be taken to the item listing.  I hope you enjoy these new necklace sand earrings, all of which are one of a kind designs.

Unique Handmade Necklaces and Earrings by Shadow Dog Designs - Jewelry



"Jewelry is a very personal thing . . . it should tell a story about the person who’s wearing it" 

Garance Daré



I love the quote above by Garance Daré since it is so true.  Jewelry IS a very personal thing.  It can range from very traditional jewelry to jewelry that is uniquely boho; from mass produced to individually handmade pieces.  I LOVE making unique jewelry!  Necklaces and earrings, as you can see in this post, that definitely lean to the fun, boho side and are mostly one of a kind (with the excepton of a few pairs of Christmas earrings).  Featured here are ten pieces of the newest jewelry in my SHADOW DOG DESIGNS, six pairs of earrings and four pendant necklaces.  If something catches your eye and you want more information and more photos, be sure to click the photo or short description to be taken to the item in my shop.  Enjoy!




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