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An Artisan Handmade Christmas - Gift Ideas - Week 10




Wow!  Christmas will be here in a little less than a month!  And there are only two more weeks left in the Countdown to Christmas 2019!  Where does the time go? The ever ticking Christmas clock doesn’t let up and keeps ticking down those seconds until Santa and his herd of reindeer make a nighttime visit to leave gifts or lumps of coal. The Countdown is the place for handmade artists to share three of their beautiful (often one of a kind) creations. Need a perfect start to your Christmas shopping?  Shop the Countdown to Christmas: browse and purchase that special piece for that special person! An excellent motto to follow this holiday season: SHOP EARLY, SHOP OFTEN! And, most of all, SHOP HANDMADE




Red Cardinal Crochet Tapestry Holiday Decor Handmade by Ruth of RSS Designs In Fiber

An Artisan Handmade Christmas - Gift Ideas - Week 7



Wow!  We are already more than half-way through the Countdown to Christmas 2019 - only 5 more weeks to go!  It’s hard to imagine that Christmas will soon be here! According to the ever ticking Christmas clock, there are only 49 days (when this bog was posted) until Santa Claus drops down that chimney and either leaves gifts or lumps of coal for deserving (or not-so-deserving) boys and girls.  Since Christmas is looming, now is the perfect time to start your holiday shopping and the Countdown is the perfect place! Remember this motto: SHOP EARLY, SHOP OFTEN! And, most of all, PURCHASE HANDMADE!




Crocheted Amigurumi Unicorn Stuffed Animal Toy Handmade by Nancy of Wyvern Designs

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