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Blog entry

Christmas in July - Beautiful Artisan Handmade Gifts



Since it seems Christmas gets earlier and earlier every year, it’s never too early to start shopping for those perfect holiday gifts for a loved one!  According to the CHRISTMAS CLOCK, there are only 167 days (from when this blog was posted) until the jolly man in red shows up again.  I’ve pulled together a CHRISTMAS IN JULY selection of artisan handmade gifts, many one of a kind creations.  Since many are one of a kind, be sure to shop early (and often) so you don’t miss out.  And please visit the shops of the artisans featured for even more wonderful creations, beauties that are handmade from the heart!




New Jewelry Handmade by Shadow Dog Designs - Christmas Gifts



It has been quite a while since I shared my newest  designs. I've been so busy adding new items in my Shadow Dog Designs handmade jewelry shop to take the place of all the necklaces and earrings sold at shows, that I haven’t even thought about blogging about them  . . . until now. You’ll find a wide range of one of a kind designs, including four new pairs of Christmas earrings. I hope you enjoy these new pieces . . . and that one (or more) of them might end up under the Christmas tree for a loved one - or for yourself!

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