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Make It an Artisan Handmade Christmas - Week 7 Favorites - 2024



It is so very hard to believe (at least to me - how about you?) that we are already into the first week of November . . .  and that there are only 5 more weeks left of the Countdown to Christmas 2024!  It’s also hard to believe that Christmas will be here before we know it, in less than 2 months.  According to the ever ticking Your Christmas Countdown Clock, there are only 49 days (as of today) until Santa drops down the chimney once again with his bag of goodies . . . or coal.  With Christmas rapidly approaching, Julie and Harry of Blue Morning Expressions continue hosting the twelve-week Countdown to Christmas of artisan handmade items on their Buy Handmade from Makers blog.  Start or finish your holiday shopping now on the Countdown - Week 7 - a perfect place to buy unique handmade / designed gifts!  This week, 36 items from 12 artisans were shared in the wide-ranging gift collection: jewelry of many different styles, Christmas ornaments, gearhead sweatshirts, keychains, lampwork glass beads, stickers, Christmas tags and more.  A wonderful motto to follow: SHOP EARLY and SHOP OFTEN!  And, most of all, SHOP HANDMADE to support small indie businesses.


In addition to saving each handmade item from the Countdown to Christmas 2024 Week 7 collection to my handmade Christmas Pinterest board and Twitter feed,  I pick a favorite item from each artist (hard to do!) and feature them here on my blog.  Here  are my favorites for Week 7: 



Make It an Artisan Handmade Christmas - Week 3 Favorites - 2024



It's amazing just how quickly Week 3 of the Countdown to Christmas 2024 sped right on by . . . with a wide variety of gorgeous artisan handmade / designed items left in its wake.  According to the ever ticking Your Christmas Countdown Clock, there are only 77 days until jolly Santa Claus and his merry band of reindeer are delivering packages once again. With the rapidly approaching gift giving season in mind, Julie and her wonderful four-footed sidekick, Harry, are hosting a twelve-week Countdown to Christmas 2024 of artisan handmade items on their Buy Handmade from Makers blog, part of their Blue Morning Expressions Shopify shop.  This week, there were 36 shares by 12 artists featuring a wide range of truly unique gift ideas: jewelry of all types, coffee mugs, party tags, photographic and digital art, baby gifts, watercolors prints, and a host of other beauties.  If you need a perfect start to your Christmas shopping, the Countdown is the place to do just that!  An excellent motto to follow is: SHOP EARLY, SHOP OFTEN.  And, most of all, SHOP HANDMADE to support small indie businesses!

Each week during the 12 week Countdown, I pick a favorite item from each artist (hard to do!) and feature them here on my blog.  Here are my favorites for Week 3:  



New Handmade Jewelry by Shadow Dog Designs




The summer heat has settled on the land here in the Desert Southwest with lots of sun and a big blue sky with rarely any clouds.   That means there is more creative time in my jewelry studio as opposed to creative time outside in the flower beds.  So I wanted to share with you eleven of my newest creations, four necklaces and seven pairs of earrings, found in my SHADOW DOG DESIGNS jewelry shop  The handmade necklaces and earrings are one of a kind designs and will make unique gifts for a loved one . . . or, of course, yourself!  If something catches your eye and you want to see more photos and details, please click either on the photo or on the short description under the photo.  Thanks for looking.  And remember to SHOP SMALL  and to SHOP HANDMADE!



Hot Fun Under the Summer Sun - Artisan Handmade Gifts - 2024



The official start of summer will soon be here.  It takes place here in El Paso on June 20 at 2:50 p.m,  Officially June 20 will have 12 hours, 8 minutes and 59 seconds of sunlight, about 4 hours and 9 minutes longer than on the shortest day in December.  To celebrate the hot, hot summer days, I asked artist friends to share two items that represent “hot summer fun” - something with hot colors, a sun, beach or tropical theme,  sunflowers and the like.  Some items shared are more on the blazing summer side and some represent a more mellow, cool summer.  However, ALL are artisan handmade / designed and many are one of a kind pieces.  So if something catches your eye on this Hot Fun Under the Summer Sun - Artisan Handmade Gifts - 2024 blog, please click the photo or the link below the photo for more information and pictures of the individual item.  Hopefully one or more will make it into your shopping basket - treat yourself or someone else to a unique artisan beauty!  And remember: SHOP SMALL and SHOP HANDMADE!  Small artisan shops will THANK YOU!




Make It a Handmade Mothers Day 2024 - Artisan Gifts - Week 8



Just a warning:  if you haven't started shopping for Mother's Day gifts, you're quickly running out of time!!!  Just a little less than three weeks from now, the big day for Mom will be here.  To help you in your search for the perfect gift item, check out the Countdown to Mother's Day 2024 - Week 8.  It's a collection filled with unique artisan items, 33 beauties from 11 artists, all handmade / designed from the heart.  As an added bonus, many of them are one of a kind designs.  Hosted by Julie and Harry of Blue Morning Expressions on their Buy Handmade from Makers blogeach of the unique items will make a memorable gift for Mom on her day.  This is the perfect time to start buying a gift(s) for your Mom - and, perhaps, add something for yourself!  Items on the Countdown go quick so don't miss out.  Browse all the wonderful handmade shares for Week 8, visit the shops of the artists featured and buy your Mom a beautiful gift that was HANDMADE.  Also you'll be supporting a grateful indie artist.  




Make It a Handmade Mothers Day 2024 - Artisan Gifts - Week 5



Another week of the Countdown to Mother's Day 2024 has come and gone.  Hard to believe we're over 1/2 way through the promotion!  Week 5 of the Countdown, as all the weeks have been and will be, was hosted by Julie and Harry of Blue Morning Expressions on their Buy Handmade from Makers blog.  Thirty-three unique handmade / designed items were shared from eleven artists.  Many are one of a kind and each will make a memorable gift for Mom on her big day.  Since Mother's Day will be here before you know it, on May 12, this is the perfect time to think about and start buying a gift(s) for your Mom, grandmom, aunts . . . and, perhaps, for yourself.  Browse all the wonderful handmade shares on the Countdown - Week 5, visit the shops of the artists featured and buy your Mom a beautiful gift that came from the heart.  For this year's Mother's Day:  PLEASE BUY HANDMADE and help support small, indie businesses!




Make It a Handmade Mothers Day - Artisan Gifts - Week 4



It's hard to believe that Week 4 of the Countdown to Mother's Day 2024 Week 4 has come . . . and gone so quickly!  We're near the end of March with Easter next Sunday, March 31.  But the Countdown to Mother's Day 2024 doesn't take a break!  The fun Countdown, hosted by Julie and Harry of Blue Morning Expressions on their Buy Handmade from Makers blog, is the place where artisans come together and share three of their unique items.  This week 13 artists shared a total of 38 lovely items - each one a perfect gift for Mother’s Day.  Since Mom's day will be here before you know it, this is the perfect time to start thinking about and buying a gift(s) for your Mom, grandmother, aunties and other much loved women.  Be sure to browse all the wonderful handmade / designed shares for Week 4, visit the shops of the artists featured and buy  a unique beauty that was artisan made from the heart.  This year, definitely Make it a Handmade Mother's Day!  




Make It a Handmade Mothers Day - Artisan Gifts - Week 3



Week 3 of the Countdown to Mother’s Day 2024 seem to have blown right on by (where do the days go???).  Hosted by Julie and Harry of Blue Morning Expressions on their Buy Handmade from Makes blog, 36 unique handmade items from 12 artists were shared on the Countdown - each beauty a wonderful gift for Mom in her bug day.  Since Mother's Day will be here before you know it - on May 12 - this is the perfect time to start thinking about and buying a gift(s) for your mom, grandmother, favorite auntie or other much loved woman.  Browse all the wonderful handmade shares for Week 3, visit the shops of the artists featured and buy your mom a unique gift that was artisan handmade from the heart.  Be sure to buy handmade this Mother's Day and support a small indie business!



A Fantasia of Flowers - Artisan Handmade Floral Gifts



Here in the Desert Southwest, you can feel that spring is not far off.  The days are getting longer and warmer, the winds are getting . . . . well . . . . windier, and, despite not having much rain in the last several months, flowers are beginning to stir and put on buds, a prelude to their much anticipated appearance before the heat sets in.  I saw the first swallows of the season yesterday, soaring and dipping through the arroyo that butts up against our back yard.  Other bird migrants will soon be here - some will pass on through and some will stay to nest.  Hummingbirds are greatly anticipated as are the butterflies, bees and wasps, all of which I hope will make good use of the new pollinator flower bed that has been a long, slow process in the making.  Life is good.


Thinking about flowers reminds me of a favorite floral quote by the Impressionist painter, Claude Monet, who painted many amazing floral landscapes and cultivated large flower gardens at Giverny:  






I TOTALLY agree with him!


The flowers shared below blossomed in the creative minds, hearts and souls of each artist featured.  I hope you enjoy browsing all these cheerful artisan handmade / designed spring beauties.  And be sure to visit the shops of the artisans featured for even more to choose from.  After all, Easter and Mother’s Day will quickly be here!




New Handmade Earrings and Necklaces by Shadow Dog Designs



It has been a very long while since I last showcased some of the newest jewelry in my SHADOW DOG DESIGNS shop.  Where does the time go???  The eleven selections being showcased today - eight pairs of earrings and three necklaces - are one of a kind designs.  With Valentine's Day rapidly approaching, any of these will make a unique gift for a loved one.  Why wear mass produced jewelry when you can wear a one of a kind design that was handmade from the heart!  Please support small independent businesses - you'll be glad you did!

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