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Roses in the Desert - Julia's Beauties!




My good friend, Julia, has spent many years creating the most amazing rose garden in her backyard.  Before she bought her house, someone had planted a rose garden along the back rock wall.  But when she bought the house, only a few sad bushes had survived.  Over the course of the next several years, Julia replanted the roses . . . . and what beauties they are when they bloom!  The roses are her “babies” and she spends many enjoyable hours working in the garden, talking to the roses and inhaling their heady scents when they are blooming.  She also communes with the wondrous animals that come to visit, especially with the Gambel's Quail and the Greater Roadrunner, her favorites

Flower Gardening in the Desert



My husband and I have been living in our cosy little house in the Desert Southwest for 7 ½ years now, 5 years as renters and 2 ½  years as owners. As I always say, “The house is OK, but it’s the yard I love.” At the time we moved, we had three large dogs so needed a larger backyard, unlike most of the postage stamp size yards that seem so prevalent now.  We have only one large dog now and the backyard is his kingdom.

Roses in the Desert (with an Iris)



When we moved to the Desert Southwest, I was amazed to see how well roses thrive here, pretty much pest free.  Most of the roses I have dealt with were when my husband and I lived on the east coast. There the roses were constantly having to be sprayed to try to ward off all sorts of pests and diseases:  black spot, powdery mildew, hordes of aphids, armies of Japanese beetles, etc. etc.. Since I try to go organic whenever possible, I did grow roses, but they were the very hardy “nearly wilds” and rugosas.  I did occasionally have to spray them but always with an earth friendly solution.  So it has been a real pleasure to see all the roses grown here.  I, myself, have three in large pots that are blooming up a storm right now.

A Fun Day of Fauna and Flora at Franklin Mountains State Park, El Paso, Texas!


Photo of a park of the Tom May unit of the Franklin Mountains State Park; photo courtesy of Texas Park and Wildlife.


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