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Oldies But Goodies - Unique Artisan Handmade Gifts



Whenever someone says “Oldies But Goodies,” most people think of old songs (especially from a jukebox - remember those?), vintage cars, lots of items on the Antiques Roadshow or, possibly, themselves (after . . . *ahem* . . .  a certain age).  However the term, “Oldies But Goodies,” also refers to items in our artisan handmade shops that have been around for longer than the artist who made it would like.  Whenever something is created and then listed in our shops, we always think it will sell right away.  Some do.  But, for whatever reason, some beauties sit there . . . and sit there . . . and sit there some more. There is absolutely nothing wrong with that particular item - not at all!!!  It just hasn’t found that forever person to give it a forever home.


I asked artisan friends to share two items from their handmade shops that they considered “oldies but goodies.”  Many of the items are one of a kind creations and would make a perfect gift for a birthday, an anniversary, for Christmas, or just because . . . I hope something catches your eye and that you visit the shops of the artists below.  And that many of the “oldie” items find a loving home.




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