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Shopping for Handmade Christmas Gifts - Tuesday Tag



Please share your links on the host blog:  CHRISTIE COTTAGE



Make It an Artisan Handmade Christmas - Week 12




Tick . . . tick . . . tick.  According to the Christmas clock, there are now only 13 (!!!) days until Christmas!  It’s hard to believe that December is already here and, with it, the last week of the Countdown to Christmas 2018.  The Countdown has been graciously hosted by Julie and Blue of Blue Morning Expressions on their The Blu Print blog.  Yes, week 12 has come and gone and 45 artisan handmade and vintage items from 15 artists were left in its wake, any of which will be perfect for a Christmas gift that was individually handmade from the heart.  Help Santa make it a HANDMADE Christmas this year!

Shopping for Christmas Gifts - Tuesday Tag



Please share your links on the host blog:  CHRISTIE COTTAGE



A Countdown to a Handmade Christmas - Week 12



Please share your links on the host blog:  THE BLU PRINT



Christmas Gift Ideas - Tuesday Tag


Please share your links on the host blog:  CHRISTIE COTTAGE



A Countdown to a Handmade Christmas - Week 11


Please share your links on the host blog:  THE BLU PRINT



Make It an Artisan Handmade Christmas - Week 10




Here we are at Week 10 of the Countdown to Christmas.  Only two more weeks left! The Countdown is a chance for mostly handmade artists to share three of their beautiful gift ideas and for all to browse and, hopefully, purchase.  The ever ticking Christmas clock doesn’t let up - according to it, Santa will start his journey in only 27 days!  Need a perfect start to your Christmas shopping? The Countdown is the place to do just that!  A good motto to follow: SHOP EARLY, SHOP OFTEN! And, most of all, SHOP HANDMADE!


A Countdown to a Handmade Christmas - Week 10



Please share your links on the host blog:  THE BLU PRINT



Make It an Artisan Handmade Christmas - Week 9



Wow!  Can you believe that Week 9 of the Countdown to Christmas has come and gone . . . and there are only 3 more weeks left.  The Countdown is a chance for artists, mostly handmade, to share some of their beautiful work and for all to browse and, hopefully, purchase.  According to the ever ticking Christmas clock, Santa will make his yearly visit to all good girls and boys in only 34 days!  Need an perfect start for your Christmas shopping? The Countdown is the place to do just that!  A good motto to follow: Shop early, shop often! And, most of all, SHOP HANDMADE!

A Countdown to a Handmade Christmas - Week 9



Please share your Countdown item links on the host blog:  THE BLU PRINT



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