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Make It an Artisan Handmade Christmas - Week 1 Favorites - 2024



How mind boggling is it where it seems like Christmas was here just a few short months ago?!?  The ever ticking Your Christmas Countdown clock says there are only 91 days (as of today) before Christmas is here!  With that in mind, it's definitely not too early to start thinking about all those people on your Christmas shopping list.  Where to start????  What should you get for them???  A perfect place to shop (and hopefully buy) is the 12 week Countdown to Christmas 2024 collections.  Hosted by Julie and Harry of Blue Morning Expressions on their Buy Handmade from Makers blog, the collections will be filled with a wide variety of artisan handmade / designed gifts.  A new collection will be added each Friday through the beginning of December.  On week 1 of the Countdown to Christmas, there were 30 shares from 10 artists: unique jewelry, Halloween gifts, lampwork beads, party invitations / stickers / kits, Christmas ornaments, baby gifts, home decor and more.  A good motto to follow through these weeks leading up to Christmas is:  SHOP EARLY, SHOP OFTEN!  And, most of all, SHOP HANDMADE to support small indie sellers!


Here are favorites from Week 1 of the Countdown to Christmas:




Christmas in July 2024 - Artisan Handmade Gifts - Week 5




Here we are at the last full week og July!  How does the time go by so quickly???  This is the last full week, Week 5 of the Christmas in July 2024.  Since Santa and his merry bunch of reindeer will visit before we know it, it’s never too early to start shopping for unique holiday gifts for a loved one.  There are now only 152 days to Christmas (from when this blog was posted) according to the ever ticking CHRISTMAS CLOCK.  


Artist friends were asked to participate in a “Christmas in July” promotion, sharing three of their favorite items - one that was “Christmasy” (in design or colors, etc.) and two others that didn’t have to be.  The first week was only Christmas items - the weeks since have been a mixture.  Since I miscalculated the number of weeks, a Week 5 was added where friends shared one more item of their choice.  Many of these beauties are one of a kind, so be sure to shop early (and often) so you don’t miss out.  And please visit the shops of the artists for even more wonderful items that are handmade / designed from the heart.  Hopefully items featured here or in the shops will make it into your shopping basket.  Buy for a loved one . . . and be sure to treat yourself!   Remember:  SHOP SMALL and SHOP HANDMADE!



Make It an Artisan Handmade Christmas - Favorites - Week 5, 2023



Time seems to go by more and more quickly each week - week 5 of the Countdown to Christmas has already come and gone!  According to the ever ticking Your Christmas Countdown Clock, there are only 60 days (2 months!!!) before the ho-ho-ho'ing, reindeer driving man clothes in red and white arrives once again. With the rapidly approaching holiday season in mind, Julie and Harry of Blue Morning Expressions comtimue to host a twelve-week Countdown to Christmas 2023 of artisan handmade items on their Buy Handmade from Makers blog. Now is the perfect time to start your holiday shopping and the Countdown is the perfect place to begin that!  This week, 36 handmade/designed items from 12 artists were shared in the wide-ranging gift collection: jewelry of different styles, Christmas ornaments, throw pillows,nurse hoodie, a wire kippah. lampwork beadsand more.  Remember this motto: SHOP EARLY and SHOP OFTEN!  And, most of all, SHOP HANDMADE to support small indie businesses.


Each week during the 12 week Countdown, I pick a favorite item from each artist (hard to do!) and feature them here on my blog.  These are my favorites for Week 5:  



Artisan Handmade Gifts - Thank You



Recently, I asked several artisan friends to aprticipate in a "Christmas in July - Artisan Handmade Gifts - 2023" blog promotion, involving leaving two items on an InLinkz.  Once the InLinkz ended, I pulled together a blog featuring the wonderful items.  All items from the InLinkz and the blog were to be promoted on at least two social media sites.  That's the usual deal for the many years we have been promoting each others items.  Twelve friends participated, making a total of thirteen counting me.  To thank the seven artists who took the time to stop by and leave a blog comment (as of writing this, Wednesday morning the 19th), I decided to pull together an "Artisan Handmade Gifts - Thank You" blog.  From each shop, I chose an item that immediately caught my eye and shared them here in the order of the comments left.  I hope you visit the shops of these wonderful artists.  And remember to SHOP SMALL and to SHOP HANDMADE.  



Make It A Handmade Mothers Day - Week 4



It's hard to believe that week 4 of the Mother’s Day Countdown 2021 has come and gone and it's almost April.  Easter is next Sunday!  Where does the time go?  Anyway, the Mother's Day Countdown 2021, hosted by Julie and Harry of Blue Morning Expressions on their the Blu Print blog, is a place artistsans come together and share three of their unique items.  This week 9 handmade artists shared a total of 27 lovely items - each one a wonderful gift for Mother’s Day.  Since the big day will be here before you know it - about 6 weeks from now - this is the perfect time to start thinking about and buying a gift(s) for your Mom.  Browse all the wonderful handmade shares for Week 3, visit the shops of the artists featured and buy your Mom a unique beauty that was artisan handmade from the heart.  This year, Make it a Handmade Mother's Day!  



Radiant Red - Artisan Handmade Three for Thursday



For friends who know me well, they know red is my all time favorite color.  Always has been and probably always will be (although fuchsia and turquoise are right up there, too).  I love the vibrancy of the color and that, in ancient Egypt, it represented life, health and victory. Yay! 


So when I was musing on what the theme of this week’s Three for Thursday blog, I decided RED was it!  Three handmade items with red as a main component of the design are featured from three artisans. The three artists are:  Charlotte of Covergirlbeads; Jacki of Christie Cottage; and me, Catherine of Shadow Dog Designs. I hope you enjoy these picks and will visit the artists studios for more handmade beauties.

Handmade Valentines Day Gift Ideas



On February 14 each year, candy, flowers cards and gifts are exchanged between loved ones not only here in the United States but also in other countries all around the world to celebrate Valentine's Day.  The Greeting Card Association estimates that approximately 1 billion Valentine's Day cards are exchanged each year, the second most popular card-sending holiday after Christmas (about 2.6 billion cards).  How did Valentine's Day develop?  Here's a short history:

Make It an Artisan Handmade Christmas - Week 1



WOW, wasn't last Christmas like . . . last month? Yikes!  According to the Christmas clock, there is only 90 days, 22 hours, 30 minutes and those quickly descending seconds (as of 1:30 a.m. Tuesday morning) until Christmas is here . . . once again!  And it's even closer by the time your read this "Make it an Artisan Handmade Christmas - Week 1" blog post!

Second Page, Second Item - Wonderful Handmade Wednesday on Indiemade



Emmaline Bride, writer of The Handmade Wedding Blog, gave three reason to buy handmade:


Handmade is made with love

Handmade is made with care

Handmade is made just for you



I certainly agree with all three of these reasons.  Why buy mass produced items - your neighbor next door can be wearing the exact same thing - when you can buy handmade, which can be  one of a kind, and only YOU own it!

First Page, Sixth Item - Wonderful Handmade Wednesday on Indiemade




Lately, the days just seem to drift one into the other and I sometimes don’t remember which day it is.  Like today! Since I have a whole host of arts festivals to participate in this fall, I was creating some new jewelry late this afternoon.  Then I suddenly realized it was Tuesday . . . and I needed to pull together a Wonderful Handmade Wednesday blog. Yikes! But never fear, it got done.  With the help of my trusty “numbers bowl,” today’s theme is “First Page, Fifth Item” (as of when the items were added). You’ll find a wide range of unique items in this post, something just waiting for the woman who adores artisan handmade beauties. Also, browse more of the items in the artist's shops.  You'll be glad you did!  Enjoy!

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