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Blog entry

Oldies but Glorious Goodies - Artisan Handmade Gifts



I don’t know about you, but whenever someone mentions “oldies but goodies,” most people flash back to an old song, maybe their favorite vintage car, possibly antique furniture or, (shudder) themselves after . . . ahem . . . reaching a certain age.  “Oldies but goodies” can also refer to items in handmade shops that have been around for much longer than we would like them to be.  I, for one, always hope that whenever a new beauty is created and then listed, it will sell right away.  Sometimes they do.  But sometimes, for whatever reason, the item sits there . . . and sits there . . . and sits there some more. There is absolutely nothing wrong with that particular piece - not at all!  It just hasn’t found that forever person to give it a forever home.


I asked artisan friends to share two items from their shops that they considered “Oldies but Glorious Goodies.”  Most of the items shared are one of a kind creations and would make a perfect gift for that certain someone for their birthday, anniversary, Christmas, Mother’s Day, or just because . . . I hope one of these “oldies” catches your eye.  Please be sure to visit the artisan shops for even more exceptional handmade lovelies.



There are Always Flowers - Artisan Handmade - May 27, 2021



There are always flowers for those who want to see them - 

Henri Matisse



Henri Matisse is absolutely right.  There are ALWAYS flowers.  Even when it's winter and no flowers are found (except a few succulents that bloom inside during the winter), I have them in my heart, impatiently waiting for spring to see the hollyhocks, roses, geraniums, bottle brush, mimosa, lantana, Russian sage and other fine petaled friends again.  And they are beautiful right now, blooming away before the desert heat sets in.  To add even more floral beauty to this spring, I decided a colorful flower blog was needed.  Artist friends shared two of their handmade items with a flower theme.  If something catches your eye, be sure to click on the photo or the link below the photo to be taken to the item in the shop.  I hope you love these cheerful beauties.      



New Handmade Earrings - Jewelry by Shadow Dog Designs



It has been a good while since I shared new jewelry here on my blog.  So I decided to remedy that now!  It seems I have been working more on earrings lately than necklaces.  Not sure why.  The one necklace I make and list  sold almost immediately.  Maybe I should make more necklaces!  Anyway, shared here are the newest bakers's dozen handmade earrings in my Shadow Dog Designs jewelry shop.  



Autumn Beauties - Artisan Handmade



"Autumn is a second spring when every leaf is a flower." — Albert Camus


I don’t know about you, but autumn is my favorite time of the year, although it’s somewhat bittersweet since winter follows.  It’s a time where the temperatures (at least here in the Desert Southwest) are moderating and thankfully, the gates of the blast furnace of Hell for this extreme heat summer have closed.  It’s a time for rethinking and replacing plants that didn’t make it through this summer.  Many people start fall gardens and farmers bring in their harvest.  Fall is part of that ongoing cycle of loss, rest, regeneration and, ultimately, regrowth.  The Autumn Equinox is a balance between light and dark, a balance between the season that happens again in the spring.  And who doesn’t love the trees and some shrubs with their gorgeous leaf displays as they prepare for their winter sleep.   

New Jewelry - Handmade Earrings and Necklaces by Shadow Dog Designs


It has been quite a while since I shared new, one of a kind necklace and earrings designs.  The autumn show season has started and it seems I’m making new items, setting up at shows, selling at shows and packing up from shows.  So my Shadow Dog Designs online shop hasn’t seen a whole lot of new handmade items posted lately - and many that were posted have sold. But I wanted to share the five newest pieces, plus three that are fairly new and one Halloween and one Christmas design.  To see more information about individual items, either click on the photograph or the link under the photo - both will take you to the item in the shop. I hope you enjoy looking . . . and maybe buying!

Handmade Jewelry - New Necklaces and Earrings by Shadow Dog Designs



Spring is pretty much behind us here in the Desert Southwest.  Although it has been a very mild spring (YAY!) with below average heat with morning still cool enough that a light jacket is sometimes needed.  But all of us who live here know that summer is just around the corner bringing some triple digit temperatures in June. The the summer monsoons arrive (hopefully) in July, August and September bringing cooler temperatures again (but also the dreaded humidity) and a sense of rejuvenation.  


So many of my new jewelry designs deal with summer-y type things, whether the designs feature flowers, summer colors, the sun or other beauties.  And don’t forget your dogs or cats! I hope you enjoy the newest earrings (and one necklace) designs that can be found in my Shadow Dog Designs jewelry shop:

New Handmade Earrings - Jewelry Gift Ideas for Women



It’s hard to believe that 2018 is drawing to a close and that a new year will dawn in just a matter of days.  2018 was a very creative year for me as I found items from new artists (to me) to incorporate into my work - and continued working with pieces from old artist friends.  Playing with unique color combinations was also fun. My creative spirits have been active lately as you will see with the newest handmade earrings below, great gift ideas for a favorite woman on her birthday, Valentine’s Day, Mother’s Day . . . or just because.  I hope you enjoy these new handmade creations found in my Shadow Dog Designs jewelry shop.  Click on either the photo or the link below the photo to be taken to the item for more information and pictures.  


New Christmas Gift Ideas - Give Handmade Earrings This Year!



Earrings are always a great gift for the woman who loves to wear them.  They come in all sorts of shapes and sizes and colors and price ranges - always something perfect for the intended wearer that won’t break the bank.  I’ve featured twelve pairs of earrings that can be found in my Shadow Dog Designs handmade jewelry shop: eight of the newest pairs listed and four sparkling pairs of Christmas earrings.   I hope you enjoy browsing the beauties . . . and maybe at least one pair finds its way into your shopping cart and then under the Christmas tree.

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