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Think Red for Artisan Christmas Gifts - Wonderful Handmade Wednesday on Indiemade




The color combination of red and green is closely associated with Christmas - for example, Santa’s red clothing and green holly with red berries.  But how did this come about?  From ancient history to modern time, color has been an integral part of cultural awareness and even an understanding of life; it touched all members of society and conveyed deeper messages (such as, only royalty could wear the color purple).  Red and green as Christian symbolism can be traced back to Medieval Miracle Plays and rood screen painters.  The color combination can be traced to the Mabinogion, a collection of Welsh stories from the 13th century.  And these stories were probably based on an oral tradition that dates back to the pre-Christian Celts many centuries before where a half-red, half-green tree figures prominently in one of the tales.  In pre-Christian times, red and green represented male (red) and female (green), strength and harmony, desire and fertility.  

Breathtaking Blues and Greens - Wonderful Handmade Wednesday on Indiemade


Maybe it’s because I spent a good part of the week before last in a much greener part of the state, but blues and greens have been much on my mind lately.  In the Desert Southwest, the color blue is extremely well represented with our huge, ever changing blue skies.  But since the monsoon rains have been virtually nonexistent so far, the desert is still a toasty brown.  I long for the rains and the land to green up like it normally does this time of the year and be a perfect complement to the blue skies.

Purple is Perfect for Spring - Wonderful Handmade Wednesday on Indiemade



Over the centuries, purple has been regarded as the color of royalty and is also thought of as a color of creativity.  It also has a softer side being one of the first colors of spring that pops up in its many hues and shades on flowers.  It is near the top of my list of favorite colors, as are the two colors that combine to make purple.  Many, many people, especially women according to research, have a passion for the color purple, and I can see why with its oh-so-rich color!  I decided to do a bit of research about the color purple and share a bit of what I found.  And, also shared, are beautiful handmade artisan creations featuring purples.

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