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Blog entry

New Handmade Jewelry by Shadow Dog Designs



You would seem due sheltering in place because of the COVID-19 pandemic, I’d have more time to create new jewelry and blog.  Before, my days were very structured.  Now they’re not, even though I try to structure them.  It seems I find myself saying, “I’ll do it tomorrow” . . . and then when tomorrow rolls around, it becomes “tomorrow” again.  So, this morning, I sat myself down to create a new blog showcasing the newest pieces of jewelry in my SHADOW DOG DESIGNS shop.  Fourteen handmade beauties:  nine pairs of earrings, four necklaces and one bracelet.  They are all one of a kind creations from a variety of materials including, gemstones, polymer clay, Czech glass, Swarovski crystals and a host of other things.  I hope you take the time to browse and to check out all the other jewelry in my shop.  After all, Christmas will be here before we know it - get a head start with your holiday shopping!  Enjoy.

Happy Halloween and Day of the Dead at Shadow Dog Designs



Halloween and Day of the Dead / Dia de los Muertos will soon be here.  The hunt for that perfect piece of handmade jewelry to show off your fun and/or spooky side has begun.  To help with that search, I’m sharing the earrings and necklaces in my Shadow Dog Designs shop that are impeccable accessories for you pre-Halloween and Day of the Dead wear and the festivities that happen on those individual days.  All one of a kind handmade designs, I hope these (un)lucky 13 pieces of jewelry catch your eye. If so, please click on the photograph or the link below each picture to be taken to the item for more information and photos.  I hope you enjoy these unique pieces.

Blues, Turquoise and Teals - Wonderful Handmade Wednesday on Indiemade




According to scientific studies, blues, turquoise and teals have been found to be some of the most relaxing colors, both mentally and physically, especially the lighter shades.  Peaceful, calm and gentle, these colors have tremendous power to manage stress. They are very soothing colors that help calm the mind, slow down the heart rate, lower blood pressure and reduce anxiety.  From home decor to clothing to jewelry, the colors are favorites.  


Today’s Wonderful Handmade Wednesday on Indiemade features beautiful items created by handmade artists in the three colors:  blue, turquoise and/or teal. I hope you enjoy these choices . . . and feel a bit more relaxed after looking (and perhaps purchasing)!

Terrific Turquoise - Wonderful Handmade Wednesday on Indiemade



Since I live in the Desert Southwest, turquoise is a definite favorite of people, both the gemstone itself and the color.  Turquoise is a shade of blue that lies on the color scale between blue and green. It has psychological characteristics associated with both of those colors:  the calmness of blue and the growth that is represented in green. Turquoise is said to be a color that balances blue, green and yellow, linking it to emotional balance. It is a color promotes a feeling of serenity and stability.  I don’t know about you, but whenever I work with turquoise, I do feel a great sense of peace and calmness.


Terrific Turquoise is the theme of today’s Wonderful Handmade Wednesday on Indiemade blog.  Each artisan handmade item selected uses the color turquoise (or even the gemstone itself) as a major part of the design or as a beautiful accent.  Most of these beauties are one of a kind designs and all are made from the heart.  I hope you enjoy these handmade creations using the color turquoise.

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