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Blog entry

Hot Summer Fun - Artisan Handmade Gifts



It’s hard to believe that we are already through a good part of the first week of June with most of the scorching summer still ahead of us - even though it’s not yet “officially” summer (June 21 at 3:14 a.m. MDT this year).  Up until the last few days, summer here in the Desert Southwest has been relatively mild.  BUT the triple digits have finally set in and the AC seems to run continuously.  As everyone says:  at least it’s a dry heat!  June is usually our hottest month.  And then the monsoon season sets in where we get most of the 9” of rain that is normal for this part of the desert.  Everyone is praying that the rains do start soon on schedule, normally at the end of June.  For the past several years, a big storm has shown up on the 4th of July where we can enjoy Mother Nature’s fireworks - and then the scheduled fireworks once the storm blows through, all from the comfort of our upstairs porch.  Hope that happens again this year since it’s quite spectacular.




Necklaces and Earrings - New Handmade Jewelry by Shadow Dog Designs



I've been working hard these past several weeks crating and adding new jewelry into my SHADOW DOG DESIGNS shop.  Below are the latest necklaces and earrings that have been listed, an even dozen, all unique and all one of a kind designs.  You’ll find a wide variety of styles, from boho to elegant . . . with some designs combining both!  Also you'll find two new pieces from my "dog / cat rescue jewelry" line, where, when purchased, one half (1/2) of the purchase price is donated to an animal rescue group.  If something catches your eye and you want to see more photos and information, please click the item photo or the link below a picture to be taken to the listing.  I hope you enjoy each piece.  And remember . . . Christmas is only 134 days away!  It's never to early to stary holiday shopping.  Yikes!




Need Some Love - Artisan Handmade




There is something ALL handmade artists go through:  you design a beautiful piece of jewelry, or create a fabulous painting, or crochet an intricate piece of table art, or . . . the list goes on and on.  You have put so much of yourself into the piece, you love it and you are sure it will sell very, very quickly. Unfortunately, there it still sits in your shop . . . and you have no idea why!

New Jewelry Designs by Shadow Dog Designs, Necklaces and Earrings



It has been three weeks since the last blog share of the new handmade earrings and necklaces in my Shadow Dog Designs jewelry shop.  I have been extremely busy making new pieces with the resulting product photography, photo editing and listing the new pieces . . . with MUCH more to come.  Shared below are the nine new pieces listed since my last “new” blog.  Also two “oldies but goodies” necklace are included, two of my favorites.  

Unique New Handmade Jewelry from Shadow Dog Designs


The past several weeks have been very busy with a huge (and very profitable) show on Labor Day weekend and then a week long trip to beautiful Couer d'Alene, Idaho and Spokane, Washington.  But unique new handmade jewelry, mostly necklaces and earrings, have been listed in my Indiemade shop.  All of the jewelry is one of a kind, except the very last pair of earrings, the snowmen earrings.  Even though I make them in several different colored collars, the red ones are the most popular.

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