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Blog entry

Artisan Valentines Gifts for Loved Ones - Week 3 - 2025



Yikes!  Valentine's Day is only 2 weeks away (February 14)!!!  For ease of shopping for the big day, Week 3 of the Valentine’s gift blog on Shadow Dog Designs features artisan handmade / designed beauties.  Each piece in the collection is perfect for a loved one.  There are plenty of Valentine's Day themed items, but gifts that are not so distinctly traditional are also included.  Many of the artisan items can be worn / used all year long!  If something catches your eye, be sure to click either the photo or the description below the picture to be taken to the artistan's shop.  To see all of the gift ideas in one place, here’s a link: Artisan Valentine's Gifts for Loved Ones - Week 1 - 2025ALL of the gifts shared here were created by small business owners.  Please be sure to SHOP SMALL for this Valentine's Day.  We will certainly appreciate that!!!



Make It an Artisan Handmade Christmas - Week 5 Favorites - 2024



Where does hte time go?  It seems to go by more and more quickly each week:  week 5 of the Countdown to Christmas has already come and gone!  According to the ever ticking Your Christmas Countdown Clock, there are only 63 days (a bit more than 2 months!!!) before the the reindeer driving man clothed in red and white arrives once again. With the rapidly approaching holiday season, Julie and Harry of Blue Morning Expressions comtimue to host a twelve-week Countdown to Christmas 2024 of artisan handmade items on their Buy Handmade from Makers blog. Now is the perfect time to start your holiday shopping and the Countdown is the perfect place to begin that!  This week, 33 handmade / designed items from 11 artists were shared in the wide-ranging gift collection: jewelry of all different styles, photo albums, art prinrs, note cards, throw pillows, keychains, decal sets, lampwork beads, baby gifts and more.  Remember this motto: SHOP EARLY and SHOP OFTEN!  And, most of all, SHOP HANDMADE to support a small indie business.


Each week during the 12 week Countdown, I will pick a favorite item from each artist (hard to do!) and feature them here on my blog.  Here are my favorites for Week 5:  





Pick a Bouquet of Spring Flowers - Artisan Handmade Floral Gifts



Spring unlocks the flowers to paint the laughing soil.


Bishop Reginald Heber ~



I have always loved the quote shared above.  Bishop Reginald Heber (1783-1826), well known for his poetry, describes in just a few words the joyousness of spring on the return of flowers.  I, myself, can’t wait to finish the new flower bed I started digging last fall and filling it with native plants chosen specifically for pollinators of all types.  Let the flowers paint the laughing soil!  And let the colorful flowers be an important food source for bees of all types, flower flies, butterflies, moths, wasps and hummingbirds.  


With all-things-flower in mind, I invited artist friends to share two of their floral designs.  As you will see in the beautiful items below, there is a wide range of flowers to be had, from note cards to jewelry, from lampwork beads to photography, from photography to digital art and many, many more!  Be sure to pick a bouquet of floral beauties and support small handmade businesses!


For Twitter, please use the hashtag #SpringFlowers.




Make It A Handmade Mothers Day 2022 - Week 7




Week 7 of the Countdown to Mothers Day 2022 flew right on by . . . and in it's wake, 27 handmade items were left from nine talented artists.  The Countdown is hosted by Julie and Harry of Blue Morning Expressions on their the Blu Print blog.  Each unique tem will make a memorable gift for Mom on her day.  Since Mother's Day will be here before you know it, this is the perfect time to start thinking about and buying a gift(s) for your Mom - and, perhaps, for yourself!  These items go quick, and, since many are one of a kind, don't miss out!  Browse all the wonderful handmade shares for Week 7, visit the shops of the artists featured and buy your Mom a beautiful gift that was handmade from the heart.  And, please support a small indie business! 




Make It A Handmade Mothers Day 2022 - Week 4



It's hard to believe that week 4 of the Mother’s Day Countdown 2022 has come and gone and it's almost April and Easter will be here in three weeks.  The Mother's Day Countdown 2022, hosted by Julie and Harry of Blue Morning Expressions on their the Blu Print blog, is a place artistsans come together and share three of their unique items.  This week 9 handmade artists shared a total of 27 lovely items - each one a wonderful gift for Mother’s Day.  Since the big day will be here before you know it - about 6 weeks from now - this is the perfect time to start thinking about and buying a gift(s) for your Mom.  Browse all the wonderful handmade shares for Week 4, visit the shops of the artists featured and buy your Mom a unique beauty that was artisan handmade from the heart.  This year, Make it a Handmade Mother's Day!  




Christmas in July - Beautiful Artisan Handmade Gifts



Since it seems Christmas gets earlier and earlier every year, it’s never too early to start shopping for those perfect holiday gifts for a loved one!  According to the CHRISTMAS CLOCK, there are only 167 days (from when this blog was posted) until the jolly man in red shows up again.  I’ve pulled together a CHRISTMAS IN JULY selection of artisan handmade gifts, many one of a kind creations.  Since many are one of a kind, be sure to shop early (and often) so you don’t miss out.  And please visit the shops of the artisans featured for even more wonderful creations, beauties that are handmade from the heart!




Oldies but Glorious Goodies - Artisan Handmade Gifts



I don’t know about you, but whenever someone mentions “oldies but goodies,” most people flash back to an old song, maybe their favorite vintage car, possibly antique furniture or, (shudder) themselves after . . . ahem . . . reaching a certain age.  “Oldies but goodies” can also refer to items in handmade shops that have been around for much longer than we would like them to be.  I, for one, always hope that whenever a new beauty is created and then listed, it will sell right away.  Sometimes they do.  But sometimes, for whatever reason, the item sits there . . . and sits there . . . and sits there some more. There is absolutely nothing wrong with that particular piece - not at all!  It just hasn’t found that forever person to give it a forever home.


I asked artisan friends to share two items from their shops that they considered “Oldies but Glorious Goodies.”  Most of the items shared are one of a kind creations and would make a perfect gift for that certain someone for their birthday, anniversary, Christmas, Mother’s Day, or just because . . . I hope one of these “oldies” catches your eye.  Please be sure to visit the artisan shops for even more exceptional handmade lovelies.



There are Always Flowers - Artisan Handmade - May 27, 2021



There are always flowers for those who want to see them - 

Henri Matisse



Henri Matisse is absolutely right.  There are ALWAYS flowers.  Even when it's winter and no flowers are found (except a few succulents that bloom inside during the winter), I have them in my heart, impatiently waiting for spring to see the hollyhocks, roses, geraniums, bottle brush, mimosa, lantana, Russian sage and other fine petaled friends again.  And they are beautiful right now, blooming away before the desert heat sets in.  To add even more floral beauty to this spring, I decided a colorful flower blog was needed.  Artist friends shared two of their handmade items with a flower theme.  If something catches your eye, be sure to click on the photo or the link below the photo to be taken to the item in the shop.  I hope you love these cheerful beauties.      



Make It A Handmade Mothers Day - Week 6



Where did Week 6 of the Countdown to Mother's Day 2021 go?  It was here . . . and then was gone.  The Countdown is hosted by Julie and Harry of Blue Morning Expressions on their Blu Print blog.  This week, 30 handmade items from 10 artists were shared.  Each unique tem will make a memorable gift for Mom on her day.  Since Mother's Day will be here before you know it, this is the perfect time to start thinking about and buying a gift(s) for your Mom - and, perhaps, for yourself!  These items go quick, and, since many are one of a kind, don't miss out!  Browse all the wonderful handmade shares for Week 6, visit the shops of the artists featured and buy your Mom a beautiful gift that was handmade from the heart.




For the Love of Earrings - A Short History



I don't know about you, but I feel strange when I hop in the trusty Dog Mobile and then notice I have forgotten to put on a pair of earrings!   At least there, in the driveway, I can hop out of the truck, run inside and grab a pair to put on.  But, heaven help me, if I get somewhere and realize I am earrings-less!  It's like the world has tilted just a bit on its axis and I’m in the Upside Down.  Being an ardent wearer of pierced earrings since the early 1970’s, I have quite the collection of handcrafted Native American earrings  - and earrings I’ve made myself and then couldn’t part with.  Just LOVE them!  




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