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Unique Handmade Necklaces and Earrings by Shadow Dog Designs - Jewelry



"Jewelry is a very personal thing . . . it should tell a story about the person who’s wearing it" 

Garance Daré



I love the quote above by Garance Daré since it is so true.  Jewelry IS a very personal thing.  It can range from very traditional jewelry to jewelry that is uniquely boho; from mass produced to individually handmade pieces.  I LOVE making unique jewelry!  Necklaces and earrings, as you can see in this post, that definitely lean to the fun, boho side and are mostly one of a kind (with the excepton of a few pairs of Christmas earrings).  Featured here are ten pieces of the newest jewelry in my SHADOW DOG DESIGNS, six pairs of earrings and four pendant necklaces.  If something catches your eye and you want more information and more photos, be sure to click the photo or short description to be taken to the item in my shop.  Enjoy!




A Moment of Zen - Three for Thursday



Anyone who knows me well knows that I love to garden, mainly growing flowers.  There is something so gloriously fundamental about putting my hands in the living soil and planting something that will benefit bees, butterflies and/or hummingbirds (my way to decide what to plant - plus drought tolerance once established is a must since we live in the Chihuahuan Desert).  Planting and tending to the plants is my meditation and I experience many moments of Zen when I feel deeply connected to myself, to others and to Mother Earth.


Just what is “Zen?”  It’s to explain, especially when it is often tossed around so carelessly in popular culture (maybe like I just did above).  Zen is an authentic spiritual tradition, a path to an awakening: awakening to / realizing who we really are, and awakening the aspiration to serve others and take responsibility for all of life.  Zen is believed to be our true nature expressing itself moment by moment.

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