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Blog entry

Second Page, Third Artisan Item - Wonderful Handmade Wednesday on Indiemade



First of all, I want to wish everyone a happy, healthy and prosperous NEW YEAR.  It’s hard to believe that 2018 is already here.  Wow, it seems like 2017 just flew by on supersonic wings . . .


I also want to welcome you to my first blog for 2018, the first of many more for the year.  This first post features artisan handmade items from Indiemade friends.  I randomly chose the theme as “Second Page, Third Item,” so, as of yesterday (when I chose the items), each pick is the third item on the second page in the shops featured.  As you can see, a wide variety of items are highlighted.  If something catches your eye and you want more information, please be sure to either click the photo or the link below each photo to be taken to the item.  Enjoy!

Second Page, Second Artisan Item - Wonderful Handmade Wednesday on Indiemade




What beautiful artisan handmade items are included in this blog post!  But, then, ALL the items included in my blogs the last two years have been beauties.  This edition of Wonderful Handmade Wednesday on Indiemade is a melange of items, a random choosing of the second item on the second page of the artist's shop.  I hope you enjoy the items featured.

First Class - Wonderful Handmade Wednesday on Indiemade


If you want first class handmade beauties, look no father than this post!  Each of the items featured below is the first listing in the online stores of Indiemade artist friends.  But don't stop at the first . . . browse all the items in each store, many of which are one of a kind pieces.  Each handmade selection has more than a bit of the heart and soul of the artist who created the piece.  So be sure to click the link below each photo for more handmade delights.

The First - Wonderful Handmade Wednesday (on Tuesday)

Since I will be winging my way east for a couple of days of R & R in The Big Easy the day I usually post the "Wonerful Handmade Wednesday" blog, the newest edition is posted today, Tuesday, March 1.  Already March!!!  Yikes!  The theme is simple:  the first item posted in each shop.  I hope you enjoy the wide variety of handmade beauties created by the talented artists shared below: 

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