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Make It a Handmade Christmas 2021 - Week 8




Already, week 8 of the Countdown to Christmas 2021 has come on gone!  It’s hard to believe that there are only four more weeks left! The Countdown is a chance for mostly handmade artists to share three of their beautiful gift ideas and for all to browse and, hopefully, purchase.  The ever ticking Christmas clock doesn’t let up - according to it, Santa will start his journey in only 45 days!  Need a perfect start to your Christmas shopping? The Countdown is the place to do just that!  A good motto to follow: SHOP EARLY, SHOP OFTEN!  And, most of all, SHOP HANDMADE to support hard working indie artists! 




Miracle of a Single Flower - Artisan Handmade - Three for Thursday



If we could see the miracle of a single flower clearly our whole life would change. – Siddhartha Gautama Buddha



Flowers are one of my favorite things.  I wander the yard several times each day, visiting all the flowers I’ve planted and feel at peace and happy (even when I see the leafcutter bee has been at work).  The types of flowers are varied.  Knockout roses, verbena, gold columbine, geraniums, hollyhocks, sunflowers, zinnias, larkspur and more have all been planted (some from seed, some from bought plants) and are in various stages of growing / blooming.  I'm also enjoying the mimosa tree which has just started to bloom with it's wispy pink flowers that are visited by countless pollinators and hummingbirds.  And the bottlebrush tree survived the deep freeze we had here this winter, and even though it lost some limbs, there are a few blooms on it!  Flowers are definiey miracles.


So, with all this blooming beauty (or blooms to be anticipated), I decided this week’s Artisan Handmade - Three for Thursday would be about flowers.  I’ve chosen three floral items from three handmade artists: notecards, baby items and jewelry.  The artists are:  Roxanne of watercolorsNmore; Pamela of MagdaleneKnits; and, me, Catherine of Shadow Dog Designs.  I hope you find joy in these picks!

Make It An Artisan Handmade Valentines Day!




Before we know it, Valentine’s Day on February 14, will be here with hearts, cupids and items in pink and red assailing us everywhere.  Across the United States and in many other countries around the world, candy, flowers and gifts are exchanged between loved ones, all in the name of St. Valentine.  Although the history of Valentine’s Day and its patron saint is shrouded in mystery,  February has long been celebrated as a month of romance.  St. Valentine’s Day, as we know it today, contains vestiges of both Christian and ancient Roman traditions. 




Autumn Beauties - Artisan Handmade



"Autumn is a second spring when every leaf is a flower." — Albert Camus


I don’t know about you, but autumn is my favorite time of the year, although it’s somewhat bittersweet since winter follows.  It’s a time where the temperatures (at least here in the Desert Southwest) are moderating and thankfully, the gates of the blast furnace of Hell for this extreme heat summer have closed.  It’s a time for rethinking and replacing plants that didn’t make it through this summer.  Many people start fall gardens and farmers bring in their harvest.  Fall is part of that ongoing cycle of loss, rest, regeneration and, ultimately, regrowth.  The Autumn Equinox is a balance between light and dark, a balance between the season that happens again in the spring.  And who doesn’t love the trees and some shrubs with their gorgeous leaf displays as they prepare for their winter sleep.   

Spring Flowers - Artisan Handmade - Three for Thursday











Happiness held is the seed; Happiness shared is the flower . . . John Harrigan



If you are a flower gardener (like I am) and grow many flowers from seeds, you truly understand the above statement.  So much beauty is bound up in a single flower seed which, like magic, can transform into a breathtaking flower.  I find happiness in just holding flower seeds and dreaming of the infinite possibility of what they will become. And when that magic happens - a seedling appears, a plant grows, a bud unfurls and a flower faces the sun - I am truly happy, awe struck and humbled.  And if I can share those flowers with family and friends, so much the better.

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