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Dog and Cat Lover Jewelry Handmade by Shadow Dog Designs



Since I am a huge advocate of ADOPT DON'T SHOP when it comes to adding a new dog (or cat) to the family, I have been making a line of dog and cat rescue jewelry for many years now.  When a piece of dog / cat rescue jewelry is sold from my SHADOW DOG DESIGNS shop or at an arts festival, ½ (one half) of the purchase price is donated to an animal rescue organization. I try to keep the donations local whenever I can, but will donate to needy groups in other states that have faced disasters from hurricanes, fires, flooding, etc.  As with all of my jewelry (except for a few styles of Christmas earrings), the necklace and earrings in the rescue line are one of a kind designs.  I’m highlighting seven designs in this post, but there are a few more in my shop here:  https://bit.ly/RescueJewelrySD.  New designs are usually added on a monthly basis.  Please browse the necklace and earrings below - if something catches your eye, either click on the photo or the link below to get more information and see more photos.  I hope you enjoy the jewelry made with love to try to help the sweet souls who are desperately waiting for their furever home.

Eleven New Necklaces and Earrings Handmade by Shadow Dog Designs



It has been quite a while since I shared new jewelry designs found in my SHADOW DOG DESIGNS shop.  It seems the days . . . and the weeks . . . . and the months just speed right on by.  I've been spending a LOT of time outside working in flower beds and just sitting and enjoying all the birds and other animals that come to the back yard.  And watching Seamus be his goofy dog self.  The weather has been absolutely gorgeous so the pull to be outside is greater than the pull to be in front of the computer.  Today I'm sharing eleven new designs in my shop, all one of a kind jewelry.  As you can see there is a wide range of desgins:  some simple and some more comlicated, some small and some big and bold.   And there are several new animal rescue designs which, when sold, one-half of the purchase price goes to an animal recue organization.  I hope you enjoy these pieces.  And be sure to visit my shop to see other unique jewelry:  SHADOW DOG DESIGNS.

Make It a Handmade Mothers Day - Week 4




Week 4 of the Mother’s Day Countdown 2020 steamed right on by.  Hosted by Julie and Harry of Blue Morning Expressions on their the Blu Print blog, 36 unique handmade items were shared from 12 artists - each one a wonderful gift for Mother’s Day.  Since the big day will be here before you know it, this is the perfect time to start thinking about and buying a gift(s) for your Mom (and, perhaps, for yourself).  Browse all the wonderful handmade shares for Week 4, visit the shops of the artists featured and buy your Mom a beautiful gift that was handmade from the heart.

Handmade Valentines Day Gift Ideas



On February 14 each year, candy, flowers cards and gifts are exchanged between loved ones not only here in the United States but also in other countries all around the world to celebrate Valentine's Day.  The Greeting Card Association estimates that approximately 1 billion Valentine's Day cards are exchanged each year, the second most popular card-sending holiday after Christmas (about 2.6 billion cards).  How did Valentine's Day develop?  Here's a short history:

New Handmade Jewelry from Shadow Dog Designs - Necklaces and Earrings



This quote by Rebekah Joy Plett pretty much says it all when you are a handmade artist:



“When you buy something from an artist you are buying more than an object. You’re buying hundreds of hours of errors and experimentation. You’re buying years of frustration and moments of pure joy. You’re not buying just one thing, you are buying a piece of a heart, a piece of a soul… a piece of someone else’s life.”

First in the Shop - Wonderful Handmade Wednesday on Indiemade



I always enjoy browsing through the handmade shops of artist friends.  So much talent and such creativity! This week’s Wonderful Handmade Wednesday on Indiemade features the first item in each shop (as of when this blog was being worked on) featured here:  First In the Shop. Oftentimes the first item is the newest - sometimes it’s not. Either way, the items are all wonderful and each will fill that need for a gift perfectly.  




Artisan Favorites - Wonderful Handmade Wednesday on Indiemade


When you buy something handmade by a person, there is something special there. And you do feel it. The consciousness with which the thing is made is often more important than the thing itself.  J. Donald Walters


I just love browsing through the shops of handmade artist friends.  Who knows what new beauties - or old beauties you suddenly see in a brand new light - you will find!   Two items from five artists are featured below (myself, included). I hope you enjoy these picks.

Handmade Earrings and Necklaces for Mothers Day - New Jewelry by Shadow Dog Designs



It has been almost a month since I last shared my newest Shadow Dog Designs handmade necklaces and earrings.  Where does the time go? Most of my time has been spent getting ready for art shows and then selling at art shows.  My first was last weekend, the Kermezaar Art Festival, with two more big shows this month. Fortunately my stock of jewelry is pretty good, but I always like to have at least a few new things for each show.  Will continue with creating new pieces as soon as this is posted.

New Handmade Earrings and Necklaces by Shadow Dog Designs




It has been several months since I last shared a blog of my newest handmade jewelry.  Between participating in art shows, traveling, my birthday, our anniversary, other commitments and trying to stock my Indiemade shop for the Christmas buying season, the time just sped right on by.  Seems time goes quicker and quicker each and every year!  Whew!  Anyway, I finally pulled together this post to share of my newest earrings and necklaces, six of each.  They are all one of a kind pieces and handmade from the heart.  If a piece catches your eye, please click on the photo or the live link below the photo to be taken to the item for more information and pictures.  I hope you enjoy the beauties below:

Shadow Dog Designs - New Handmade Jewelry



The past two weeks have been very busy . . . not so much with making new jewelry and listing new pieces . . . but with life itself.  It seems I find myself coming and going at the same time.  Thank heavens for yoga classes and the bits and pieces of meditation I can do.  They definitely help center my life, to look at what life throws my way with empathy, caring and a sense of humor (or at least I hope!).  

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