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Blog entry

Make It an Artisan Handmade Christmas - 2022 - Week 6



It’s hard to believe that we’re already half-way finished with the twelve week Countdown to Christmas 2022!  Yikes!  That means Christmas is bearing down on us and will soon be here - two months away!  According to the ever ticking Christmas clock, there are only 60 days until the jolly ho-ho-ho-ing Santa and his merry band of clattering reindeer arrive once again.  Now is the perfect time to start your holiday shopping and the Countdown is the perfect place to buy unique beauties!  Remember this motto: SHOP EARLY, SHOP OFTEN!  And, most of all, SHOP ARTISAN HANDMADE to support a small indie business!




First Page, Sixth Item - Wonderful Handmade Wednesday on Indiemade




Lately, the days just seem to drift one into the other and I sometimes don’t remember which day it is.  Like today! Since I have a whole host of arts festivals to participate in this fall, I was creating some new jewelry late this afternoon.  Then I suddenly realized it was Tuesday . . . and I needed to pull together a Wonderful Handmade Wednesday blog. Yikes! But never fear, it got done.  With the help of my trusty “numbers bowl,” today’s theme is “First Page, Fifth Item” (as of when the items were added). You’ll find a wide range of unique items in this post, something just waiting for the woman who adores artisan handmade beauties. Also, browse more of the items in the artist's shops.  You'll be glad you did!  Enjoy!

All Creatures Great and Small - Artisan Handmade



I’ll be the first to admit that I am an avid reader - always have been and, I imagine, always will be.  It seems I have at least 3-4 books going at the same time and have a stack of books by the bed. One of my all time favorite books, one I have read time and time again, is James Herriot’s (real name, James Alfred Wight) All Creatures Great and Small.  I loved that book the most, but also loved the other three in the series: All Things Bright and Beautiful, All Things Wise and Wonderful and The Lord God Made Them All (and the other numerous books he wrote). The books made me laugh and also made me cry as Herriot related his life as a country vet in the fictional town of Darrowby, Yorkshire.   The people he encountered were funny and sometimes maddening, but it was the description of the animals that touched my heart. You could tell Herriot really, truly cared for the animals. By the way, I also thoroughly enjoyed the BBC series on TV . . . but the books were so much better.

Flora and Fauna - Wonderful Handmade Wednesday on Indiemade




I have always admired Walter Cronkite on so many levels, but mostly as an intelligent and reliable newsman and as a vital, moral human being. Even though he died in 2009, I still remember his plain spoken grace in delivering the news, from moonwalks to war, assassinations to peace treaties and thusands of other topics. A favorite quote of his, made 2005 (but still oh so relevant today), is this one:


“I am joining the hundreds of thousands who shall be marching in the Virtual March on Washington to Stop Global Warming in order to demonstrate the concern that we all hold for the future of our planet and all the living things — flora, fauna, human and animal — that exist upon it. The governments of the world have tarried long enough, and the United States is scarcely without doubt the greatest culprit among them.  We the people have the strength to bring our country from our weak-kneed stumbling gait in the last ranks of reason to the leadership of the great march to environmental victory.”

Beautiful Firsts - Wonderful Handmade Wednesday on Indiemade


Looking for a handmade gift for a special someone, an item that was made from the heart?  Each of the Beautiful Firsts creations featured below are artisan handcrafted; many are one of a kind designs.  The unique items chosen are the first listing in each shop (as of this post) but there are many more beauties to be discovered if you stay awhile and browse.   Support handmade . . . support handmade artists!

All Creatures Great and Small - Wonderful Handmade Wednesday on Indiemade - January 27, 2016



I have always been a huge lover of animals, whether they have hair, feathers or scales - always have and always will.  Growing up on a small ranch in the Texas Hill Country, all of the usual suspects were there:  dogs, horses, cats, goats, cows, chicken, ducks, geese, pigs, rabbits and many others.  As a science teacher, my room housed many animals, from a huge boa to fun Madagascar hissing cockroaches, from parakeets to African hooded rats, from punk rock guinea pigs to flying geckos, and many other creatures.  And my life has always been shared with dogs, all adopted or "strays that came to stay."


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