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Queen of Peace Holiday Bazaar - November 9 and 10



This coming weekend, November 9 and 10, is the Queen of Peace Christmas Bazaar held at the Queen of Peace Catholic Church's Parish Hall.  Always well attended, this weekend is the perfect time to start and / or finish you Christmas holiday shopping.  So much to do and see:  arts, crafts, food, raffles, Grandma's attic, food, beverages, St. Nicholas and much more.  There is even a vintage car show on Saturday only, 10-3!  If you are in the area, please stop by and say "Hi!"  

Queen of Peace Christmas Bazaar - November 11 and 12, 2023



This coming weekend, November 11 and 12, is the Queen of Peace Christmas Bazaar held at the Queen of Peace Catholic Church's Parish Hall.  Always well attended, this weekend is the perfect time to start and/or finish you Christmas holiday shopping.  So much to do and see:  arts, crafts, bake sale, rafffles, Grandma's attic, food, beverages and much more.  For the first time, there is even a car show, Saturday only!  If you are in the area, please stop by and say "Hi!"  



Queen of Peace Fall Bazaar - November 12 and 13, 2022



This coming weekend, November 12 and 13, is the Queen of Peace Fall Bazaar held at the Catholic Church's Parish Hall.  After canceling the show the last two years due to covid, the bazaar is back better than ever!   This is the first time I will be a vendor there.  I have heard excellent things about the bazaar pre-covid, so am looking forward to (hopefully) finding new homes for a lot of my new (and old) jewelry!  There is a raffle, arts, crafts, food, beverages, baked goods and much more.  If you are in the area, please stop by and say "Hi!"  

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