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Blog entry

Perfect Pink Pretties for Valentines Day - Artisan Handmade



Valentine’s Day is just around the corner, in just over a week, and the colors of Valentine’s Day - red, pink and white - are seen everywhere.  Why these particular colors ??? Through the ages, red represents passionate love, beauty, courage and respect. White symbolizes true love, innocence, purity and charm.  Since pink is a combination of red and white, taking the properties of both colors, it reveals a gentler, kinder love, perfect happiness, tenderness and grace.


Since pink is such a beautiful and meaningful combination of red and white, I decided to pull together a blog, “Perfect Pink Pretties for Valentine’s Day,” featuring a wide range of handmade gifts using pink as a major palette in the designs.  You'll find most of these items are not your "traditional" Valentine's inspired gifts.  And that's OK!  It means they can be worn longer, sometimes year round, and not just for Valentine's Day itself.  I hope you find something for your loved one . . .  something that's a perfect pink pretty!

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