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Early Christmas Shopping - Wonderful Handmade Wednesday on Indiemade



Now that November is officially here, Christmas can’t lag far behind.  The ever ticking Christmas Clock says there are only 53 more days until Christmas . . . and those days will fly by.  It’s time to start making those Christmas gift lists and start shopping early!  Every handmade item featured here was created by a very talented artist - a bit of their heart and soul are in each.  Don’t buy mass produced this year - BUY HANDMADE!

Make It a Handmade Christmas - Countdown - Week 7



Week 7 of the Countdown to Christmas 2017 has sped on by.  Can you believe we only have 5 more weeks left of sharing beautiful handmade gift ideas?!?  Which means Christmas is getting ever closer.  According to the relentless Christmas clock now says there is only 54 days left until jolly Santa Claus shows up.  Let’s help Santa make it a HANDMADE Christmas this year!

Make It a Handmade Christmas - Countdown - Week 6



Time is flying by!  The ever ticking Christmas clock now says there is ONLY 61 days until jolly Santa Claus, pulled in his gift packed sleigh by his merry band of reindeer, lands on rooftops and slides down chimneys to deliver fun presents or bags of coal.  Week 6 of the Countdown to Christmas has sped rapidly by, as well.  It's hard to believe that we're officially half way through with the Countdown - only 6 more weeks to go.  A lovely gathering of handmade items was left in the Countdown's wake, beauties created by talented artist friends.  Let’s all make this a HANDMADE Christmas this year!  

Make It a Handmade Christmas - Countdown - Week 5



Week 5 of the Countdown to Christmas has come and gone.  A plethora of handmade beauties by talented artist friends were shared.  Christmas will be here before we know it.  According to the ever ticking Christmas Clock, there are only 68 days until the merry gentleman in red leaves gifts (or chunks of coal).  Hopefully Santa (and you!) will make it a handmade gift giving Christmas this year!  


With the quickly approaching gift buying and gift giving season in mind, Julie and Blu of Blue Morning Expressions are hosting a twelve-week Countdown to Christmas 2017 featuring artisan handmade items on their The Blu Print blog.  The twelve week time period was chosen to correspond with the Christmas carol "The Twelve Days of Christmas.”  This week, a wonderful assortment of handmade items were shared in the Countdown.  Included are all styles of beautiful jewelry, lovely crocheted and knitted items for many members of the family, breathtaking photography, eye catching original art, glowing lampwork glass beads, art glass plates, dog owner accessories, cute holiday tags, collectible thimbles and Christmas ornaments . . . all these, and more, perfect Christmas gift ideas were shared.

The Sky is Already Purple - Wonderful Handmade Wednesday on Indiemade



"The sky is already purple; the first few stars have appeared, suddenly, as if someone had thrown a handful of silver across the edge of the world."



I have always loved this quote from Alice Hoffman’s novel, Here on Earth.  It is so very evocative of watching the sky turn dark here in the Desert Southwest during this glorious time of the year.  When the sky is transformed for a few minutes into a magical velvety bluish-purple color, a multitude of stars come out to to play, twinkling away.  Then the sky will finally slip into a depthless black and even more stars will appear . . . and, hopefully, a shooting star will streak across the sky.  Another reason autumn is my favorite time of the year.

Make It a Handmade Christmas - Countdown - Week 4



Do you hear the tick, tick, tick of the Christmas clock?  As we are all probably aware, Christmas will be here before we know it.  According to the ever ticking clock, there are only 75 days (when this blog was posted) until the day of gift giving and merry making. 


With the approaching gift buying and gift giving season in mind, Julie and Blu of Blue Morning Expressions are hosting a twelve-week Countdown to Christmas 2017 of artisan handmade items on their The Blu Print blog.  The twelve week time period was chosen to correspond with the Christmas carol "The Twelve Days of Christmas.”  Week 4 has come and gone on Julie and Blu's "Countdown to Christmas 2017." In its wake, a wonderful assortment of handmade items were shared.  They included all styles of beautiful jewelry, lovely crocheted and knitted items for many members of the family, breathtaking photography, eye catching original art, glowing lampwork glass beads, dog bandanas, cute holiday stickers . . . all these and more creative beauties were shared.

Make It a Handmade Christmas - Countdown - Week 3



Week 3 of the Countdown to Christmas sharing of artisan items has ended.  Where did the week go?  As we are all probably aware, Christmas will be here before we know it.  According to the Christmas Clock shows that there are only 82 days left until the jolly man dressed in red shows up to leave gifts . . . or a lump of coal depending on if you were good or not.


With the approaching gift giving season in mind, Julie and Blu of Blue Morning Expressions are hosting a twelve-week Countdown to Christmas 2017 of artisan handmade items on their The Blu Print blog.  The twelve week time period was chosen to correspond with the Christmas carol "The Twelve Days of Christmas.”  As was mentioned above, week 3 has come and gone on Julie and Blu's "Countdown to Christmas 2017." In its wake, a wonderful assortment of handmade items were shared:  from all styles of jewelry to crocheted and knitted items; from photography to wooden clocks; from original art to lampwork glass beads; from dog bandanas to ACEOs; and many, many more creative beauties!   



Make It a Handmade Christmas - Countdown - Week 2



Tick, tock, tick, tock . . . the Christmas Clock shows that there are only 89 days left until the Jolly Man in red arrives.


With the approaching gift giving season in mind, Julie and Blu of BlueMorningExpressions are hosting a twelve-week Countdown to Christmas 2017 of artisan handmade items on their BluPrint blog.  The twelve week time period was chosen to correspond with the Christmas carol "The Twelve Days of Christmas.”  Week 2 has come and gone on Julie and Blu's "Countdown to Christmas 2017." In its wake, a wonderful assortment of handmade items were shared:  from jewelry to crocheted and knitted items; from lampwork glass beads to wooden Christmas ornaments; from photography to original art, and many, many more creative beauties!

Make It a Handmade Christmas - Countdown - Week 1



WOW, wasn't last Christmas like . . . last month? Yikes!  According to the Christmas clock, there is only 96 days, 20 hours, 54 minutes and those rapidly descending seconds until Christmas is here . . . once again!  And it's even closer by the time your read this!

Autumn Inspired Handmade Beauties




The cooler temperatures of autumn have arrived here in our area of the Desert Southwest.  It still gets into the high 80’s or low 90’s during the day but drops down into the high 60’s at night.  The monsoon season has pretty much ended, the horrid humidity mostly gone, and our drier air has been welcomed back by everyone.  It is so nice to turn off the air conditioner (at least until early afternoon) and open windows and doors to allow fresh desert air to blow through.  While I don’t see any trees changing colors yet, the desert is extremely green after the above average rainfall we received the last two months.  Maximillian sunflowers can be found all over, as well as masses of small yellow, purple and terracotta colored wildflowers that I don't know the name of but enjoy immensely nonetheless. My favorite time of the year!

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