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Blog entry

Blossoms, Butterflies and Birds - Wonderful Handmade Wednesday on Indiemade


Blossoms, butterflies and birds . . . what beautifully wonderful elements of summer.  Even though the dog days of summer are on us, flowers are still blooming, butterflies are still nectaring and birds are still singing and raising their families.  Today’s Wonderful Handmade Wednesday on Indiemade features a wide range of artisan creations that showcase the three B’s, each celebrating the wonder of Mother Nature.  If something catches your eye, please click the live link under the photo to be taken to the artist’s studio for more information and photos.  I hope you enjoy these Blossoms, Butterflies and Birds selections:

New Handmade Necklaces and Earrings from Shadow Dog Designs


It’s hard to believe that’s it’s been almost a month since I shared my new handmade earrings and necklaces with you.  I have been traveling quite a bit, to Dallas and to Kerrville, in the Texas Hill Country (a favorite place).  Even with that, many new, one of a kind pieces of jewelry have been posted in my Indiemade shop.  They feature a wide range of materials, from gemstones to Czech glass, and a wide range of styles, from classic to boho. But one thing they all have in commen . . . they are all fun!  If something catches your eye, please click the live link below the photo to be taken to the listing for more information.

HOT, HOT, HOT!!! - Wonderful Handmade Wednesday on Indiemade


If you have been keeping up with the weather lately, you know that a huge section of the United States has been dealing with unusually high heat.  Here in the Desert Southwest, we are used to triple digit numbers (but it’s a dry heat!).  People who are live in other parts of the U.S. are not used to the high heat and may not even have air conditioning to remediate.  Let’s hope the high that had stalled above the U.S. moves on out and normal temperatures return . . . and our monsoon rains start here in the Borderlands.

Tantalizing Turquoise Blue - Artisan Handmade Creations


Turquoise is a color, in all its glorious shades from light to dark, that is greatly beloved by most people.  It is a combination of blue with a small amount of yellow, fitting in the color scale between blue and green.   In color psychology, turquoise is used to heal the emotions, creating emotional balance and stability.  It seems to radiate peace, calm and tranquility coupled with an uplifting quality.  Metaphysically, if it is a favorite color, you are said to be seeking spiritual fulfillment and are often seen as evolved or an “old” soul.

Breathtaking Blues and Greens - Wonderful Handmade Wednesday on Indiemade


Maybe it’s because I spent a good part of the week before last in a much greener part of the state, but blues and greens have been much on my mind lately.  In the Desert Southwest, the color blue is extremely well represented with our huge, ever changing blue skies.  But since the monsoon rains have been virtually nonexistent so far, the desert is still a toasty brown.  I long for the rains and the land to green up like it normally does this time of the year and be a perfect complement to the blue skies.

First Handmade Item, Second Page - Wonderful Handmade Wednesday on Indiemade


I just got back from a week stay in Dallas yesterday afternoon, a long 10 hour drive with my four-footed copilot, Seamus.  As you can probably imagine, the city is still reeling due to the sniper who shot and killed five policemen during a peaceful rally.  Residents of Dallas kept apologizing to me for what happened.  Many are truly grieving at the insult.  I told most of them that there was no need to apologize - that with the crazy world we live in now, the shooting could have taken place anywhere . . . unfortunately.  My heart and soul goes out to the families that are left behind and to the policemen and other people who are left dealing with the horrible aftermath.  And my heart and soul goes out to the families of Philando Castile, Alton Sterling and the many others around the nation who have been unjustly shot and killed by the very men who are supposed to be there to protect us.

Handmade Jewelry - New at Shadow Dog Designs



The past few weeks have been very busy creating handmade jewelry, mostly earrings and necklaces.  I'm trying get my Shadow Dog Designs online store stocked up well before the show season starts again on Labor Day and the start of the Christmas buying season.  Shared below are six new pairs of earrings and two new necklaces.  Two "oldies but goodies" round out everything to make an even ten.  If something catches your eye, be sure to click on the link below the photo to be taken to the listing for more information.  I hope you enjoy these one of a kind handmade beauties!

First Class - Wonderful Handmade Wednesday on Indiemade


If you want first class handmade beauties, look no father than this post!  Each of the items featured below is the first listing in the online stores of Indiemade artist friends.  But don't stop at the first . . . browse all the items in each store, many of which are one of a kind pieces.  Each handmade selection has more than a bit of the heart and soul of the artist who created the piece.  So be sure to click the link below each photo for more handmade delights.

Peacefully Pink - Wonderful Handmade Wednesday on Indiemade


Even though the color pink is not a favorite color, I have come to respect it.  That came about when I read an article stating that a person can sell more at handmade art shows if they wear a pastel pink colored shirt.  In color psychology, light pink is a positive color inspiring warm, comforting thoughts and is a sign of peace and hope.  According to the article, when you wore pink, people found you more thoughtful and insightful and you were more trusted.  The author, who sold at shows, swore by wearing pink and said her sales definitely increased once she made the change.

New, One of Kind Handmade Jewelry by Shadow Dog Designs


Can't believe it has been three weeks since my last post sharing new Shadow Dog Designs handmade jewelry with you.  I have been traveling quite a bit:  five days in San Francisco, a Justin Hayward concert in Austin and several days in Dallas getting our townhome somewhat in order.  More traveling will be done to Dallas, a city I'm not overly fond of.  But life sometimes takes strange turns.

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