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Blog entry

Fiery Red and Orange - Wonderful Handmade Wednesday on Indiemade - May 18, 2016


The temperatures are beginning to heat up here in the Desert Borderlands (although I can’t complain since this has been an unusually cool spring).  With the higher temperatures, it seems the sunsets become more fiery in all their blazing yellows red, and oranges.  A sunset a couple of nights ago gave me the inspiration for this blog post:  Fiery Red and Orange.  I browsed through the studios of Indiemade handmade artists and featured a fiery red or orange (or both) creation from each.  I hope you enjoy these richly colored selections.

New Handmade Earrings and Necklaces by Shadow Dog Designs


It has been a month since I've shared new handmade jewelry from my Shadow Dog Designs shop. Busy, busy, busy! I've had two large two day shows in three weeks.  Getting ready for the shows and then trying to organize after them always takes such a huge amount of time.  The show Last weekend at La Vina Winery was a fabulous show with LOTS of sales.  The next show is Art in the Park at Memorial Park Reserve. I still need to create quite a few new necklaces, especially chunky ones, and pairs of earrings for that show.  But, I decided to sneak in here and share the six newest necklaces and earrings, most with a boho style, listed in my Indiemade shop - along with four oldies but goodies to make an even ten.


Mother's Day Countdown - Handmade and Vintage Gifts, Week 9



It is with a somewhat heavy heart that I have to say that the Mother’s Day Countdown 2016 has come to a close.  The weekend of week 9 has come and gone and Mother’s Day is this Sunday, May 8.  If you haven't done your shopping, there is still a bit of time, especially if you use expedited shipping or Mom is willing to wait for her perfect gift.  A fabulous place to shop is at Julie and Blu's Mother’s Day Countdown collection of handmade and vintage items any Mother will love to receive and cherish for years to come.  This week, 57 wondrous items were shared.  The items included: jewelry of many different styles, vintage postcards, business card holders, party items, crochet, sewing, polymer clay art, lampwork and more - so many different items and techniques.  Shop now!


Captivating Czech Glass - A Short History



Czech glass is so much fun to use in handmade jewelry designs due to the extremely large choice of shapes, sizes, colors and finishes.  I have to admit . . . I have become addicted to the beauties.  I enjoy using Czech glass mainly for earrings, but many people use the glass beads for necklaces, bracelets and many other projects.  Czech glass has a long, rich history which I find extremely fascinating.  I thought I would share a short history of Czech glass and some handmade jewelry designs from artists using Czech glass as a main design component.

Mother's Day Countdown - Handmade and Vintage Gifts, Week 8



And we are inching ever more closely to the end of the Mother's Day Countdown 2016!  Inching???  Who am I kidding?  It is blowing by at rocket speed!  Since Mother’s Day will be here before you know it, NOW is the time to start your shopping and gift purchasing!  Browse the Countdown collection, hosted by Julie and Blu of BlueMorningExpressions on their BluPrint blog, and visit the shops of the artists who participated who have shops filled with amazing beauties.  Many creations you will see are one of a kind and definitely handmade from the heart.  Buy HANDMADE this year!  There is something in the beautiful Mother's Day Countdown collection for even the pickiest of Moms!   

Mother's Day Countdown - Handmade Gifts, Week 7


WOW!  Can you believe that week 7 of the Mother's Day Countdown 2016 has come and gone?  Even though it blew by, many handmade beauties were left in its wake.  Mother’s Day will be here before you know it - now is the time to start your shopping and gift purchasing!  Since Mother's Day will be here before you know it, now is the perfect time to start thinking about gift(s) for your Mom.  Browse the collection shares for this week and visit the shops.  Many creations are one of a kind and handmade from the heart.  Buy HANDMADE this year!  There is something in the beautiful collection for even the pickiest of Moms!   Julie and Blu of BlueMorningExpressions / polymerclaybeads are hosting the Mother’s Day Countdown on their BluPrint blog, a tradition in its 4th year.  

Mother's Day Countdown - Handmade Gifts, Week 6


The sixth week of "Mother's Day Countdown 2016" has come and gone, leaving in its wake many handmade goodies.  Julie and Blu of BlueMorningExpressions / polymerclaybeads are hosting the Countdown on their BluPrint blog, a tradition in its 4th year.  Since Mother's Day will be here before you know it, now is the perfect time to start thinking about your Mom's gift(s).  Browse the handmade shares for this week - many are, by the way, one of a kind creations - visit the shops of the artists featured and buy Mom a beauty that was handmade from the heart. There is something in this beautiful collection for even the pickiest of Moms!

I Love Dogs

Anyone who knows me knows that I adore animals, but most especially dogs.  Dogs have been an integral part of my life from some of my earliest memories.  Dogs have always been around as best buddies, as playmates, as teachers of life lessons and as guardians.  All of our dogs were adopted from local shelters - except for the various and assundry strays who came to stay.  I cannot imagine a life without dogs sharing it with my husband and me.








Mother's Day Countdown - Handmade and Vintage Gifts, Week 5


The fifth week of the "Mother's Day Countdown 2016" certainly blew past quickly!  Hosted by Julie and Blu of BlueMorningExpressions on their BluPrint blog, handmade and vintage gift ideas are shared by artisans to make Mother's Day shopping extra easy.  Mother's Day will be here before you know it - there is no time like now to start thinking about searcjing for, and even purchasing, your Mom's gift(s).  Browse the handmade shares for this week and visit the shops of the 16 artists featured here for even more lovelies, many of which are one of a kind designs, that will be perfect for even the most discerning of Moms!  

Easter Egg Colors - Wonderful Handmade Wednesday on Indiemade - March 23, 2016


Easter Sunday is almost on us, coming fairly early this year.  In celebration of Easter, I decided to base this Wonderful Handmade Wednesday post on the glorious colors of Easter eggs, since there will be millions dyed, hunted and rolled come Sunday.  There is an old Latin proverb:  "Omne vivum ex ovo," which means "all life comes from an egg."  Many ancient cultures the world over believed the whole universe was created from an egg, the egg an important symbol of life.  Before Christianity, eggs were revered by pagans as a symbols of fertility and resurrection and played important roles in their return-of-spring celebrations.  Christians used Easter eggs (which started to be painted around the 13th century) to represent Jesus’ emergence from the tomb and his resurrection.  However, many scholars point out that ancient Persians painted eggs for Nowrooz, their New Year celebration falling on the Spring Equinox, a tradition that continues to this day and was picked up by cultures and religions around the world. 

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