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Blog entry

Fun in the Hot Hot Sun - Make it an Artisan Handmade Summer



The official start of summer will soon be here.  I takes place at 8:57 a.m. on June 21 here in El Paso, where the day will be 4 hours and 9 minutes longer than on the shortest day in December.  To celebrate the hot, hot summer days, I asked artist friends to share two items that represent “hot summer fun” - something with hot colors, a beach or tropical theme or the like.  Some items shared are more on the blazing summer side and some represent a more mellow, cool summer.  However, ALL are artisan handmade / designed and many are one of a kind pieces.  So if something catches your eye on this Fun in the Hot Hot Sun - Make It an Artisan Handmade Summer blog, please click the photo or the link below the photo for more information and pictures of the individual item.  Hopefully one or more will make it into your shopping basket - treat yourself or someone else to a unique artisan beauty!  And remember: SHOP SMALL and SHOP HANDMADE!




Buy Artisan Handmade for Mothers Day 2023 - Week 3



Week 3 of the Mother’s Day Countdown 2023 seem to have blown right on by (where do the days go???).  Hosted by Julie and Harry of Blue Morning Expressions on their Buy Handmade from Makes blog, 36 unique handmade items from 12 artists were shared on the Countdown - each one a wonderful gift for Mother’s Day.  Since the big day will be here before you know it - on May 14 - this is the perfect time to start thinking about and buying a gift(s) for your mom, grandmother, favorite auntie or other much loved woman.  Browse all the wonderful handmade shares for Week 3, visit the shops of the artists featured and buy your mom a unique beauty that was artisan handmade from the heart.  Be sure to buy handmade this Mother's Day and support a small indie business!




Buy Artisan Handmade for Mothers Day 2023 - Week 2



It's hard to believe that week 2 of the Mother's Day Countdown 2023, hosted by Julie and Harry of Blue Morning Expressions on their Buy Handmade from Makers blog came and went so quickly!  A total of 39 unique items were shared from 13 talented artists - each beauty a perfect Mother’s Day gift. Since Mother's Day will be here before you know it - on May 14th, less than 2 months from now - this is the perfect time to start thinking about and buying a gift(s) for your mom, grandmother, aunties and other loves ones.  Browse all the wonderful handmade shares for Week 2, visit the shops of the artists featured and buy your Mom a beauty that was handmade from the heart, many of which are one of a kind designs.  This year, please support small artisan handmade shops!




Make It A Handmade Mothers Day 2022 - Week 9



Watch out!  Mother’s Day will be here very, very soon - in fact, this coming Sunday, May 8.  It’s still not too late to order a handmade gift (do it now!) from the beauties shared this week on the Mother's Day Countdown 2022The Countdown was hosted again this year by Julie and Harry of Blue Morning Expressions on their The Blu Print blog.  Hard to believe this is the last weelk of the Countdown!  Despite that, 9 handmade artisans shared a total of 27 wonderfully unique items. Browse the wide range of eye catching shares for this week - many of them one of a kind designs - visit the shops of the artists featured and buy your Mom something that was HANDMADE from the heart!  By shopping small, you'll also support a small indie business.




New Necklaces and Earrings - Handmade Jewelry by Shadow Dog Designs




I've been working hard to list new handmade jewelry in my Shadow Dog Designs shop.  But with being a vendor at numerous art shows and with perfect weather for working in the flower beads, it's often hard to spend long hours in front of the computer.  But new earrings and necklaces have been listed and I decided to share them here:  nine new designs and one pair of Christmas earrings.   I hope you enjoy the new jewelry.  




An Artisan Handmade Christmas - Gift Ideas - Week 4




Week 4 of the Countdown to Christmas quickly came and went . . . and a wide variety of wonderful artisan handmade items were left in its wake.  According to the ever ticking Christmas clock, there is only 70 days until Christmas is here - once again - too early. Now is the perfect time and this is the perfect place to start your holiday shopping.  Follow this motto: SHOP EARLY, SHOP OFTEN! And, most of all, SHOP HANDMADE!

Peaceful - Wonderful Handmade Wednesday on Indiemade




Peaceful:  untroubled by conflict, agitation, or commotion.  Synonyms:  tranquil, calm, restful, quiet, still, relaxing, soothing, undisturbed, untroubled




I have to admit:  I am a news and political junkie.  And what is coming out in the news these days just makes my head spin, whether it is local, state, national or international.  Because of being constantly bombarded with unending news alerts, I really am appreciative of what I have learned in my three-day a week yoga class:  how to breathe, how to control the monkey mind (or at least calm it to a dull roar), how to be in the moment, how to be mindful and, above all, to add more empathy, compassion, love and peace to each day.  

The Magical Number 7 - Wonderful Handmade Wednesday on Indiemade


The theme for this week's Wonderful Handmade Wednesday on Indiemade is "The Magical Number 7."  Throughout the history of mankind, the number 7 has been seen as a number with special magical and / or spiritual significance.  Here are some examples:

  • The number 7 is the number of perfection, security, safety and rest.
  • Used 735 times in the Bible (54 times in the book of Revelation alone), the number 7 is the foundation of God's word. 
  • Seven circles form the symbol called “The Seed of Life”:  six circles symbolize the six days of creation and the central circle symbolizes the day of rest.
  • The number 7 is the sacred spiritual number, “the energy of the mystics."
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