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Blog entry

Autumn Artisan Handmade Gift Ideas - Three for Thursday



According to the calendar, we're about ½ way through autumn, the favorite time of year for many people.  I live in the Desert Southwest and most people don’t associate the desert with fall color. But we have it!  Granted not as eye catching as the forests in along the East Coast or the aspens in many places in the Rockies.  Color is here, nonetheless: glowing yellows and reds and purples of the deciduous trees.  And my amazing cosmos are looming up a storm with carmine reds, pale pinks and glowing white.  The hummingbirds left about a month ago (always sad to see them go) but new migrant birds are showing up, especially the cheerful little juncos.  Am waiting for the beautiful blue scrub jays with their raucous calls and jaunty attitudes to show up under the bird feeders.

Make It an Artisan Handmade Christmas - Week 6




Week 6 of the Countdown to Christmas quickly came and went and a unique collection of artisan handmade items were shared for all to see.  According to the ever ticking Christmas clock, the jolly man pulled by his team of flying reindeer visit all good boys and girls in only 55 days!  Looking to start your Christmas shopping?  The Countdown is the perfect place to do just that! A good motto to follow: shop early, shop often! And, most of all, SHOP HANDMADE!

First Page, Sixth Item - Wonderful Handmade Wednesday on Indiemade




Lately, the days just seem to drift one into the other and I sometimes don’t remember which day it is.  Like today! Since I have a whole host of arts festivals to participate in this fall, I was creating some new jewelry late this afternoon.  Then I suddenly realized it was Tuesday . . . and I needed to pull together a Wonderful Handmade Wednesday blog. Yikes! But never fear, it got done.  With the help of my trusty “numbers bowl,” today’s theme is “First Page, Fifth Item” (as of when the items were added). You’ll find a wide range of unique items in this post, something just waiting for the woman who adores artisan handmade beauties. Also, browse more of the items in the artist's shops.  You'll be glad you did!  Enjoy!

Necklaces and Earrings - New Jewelry from Shadow Dog Designs



That's the thing with handmade items. They still have the person's mark on them, and when you hold them, you feel less alone.


Aimee Bender, The Color Master: Stories


I love the idea that when you hold a handmade item, that you feel less alone.  I hope that everyone who wears a piece of my handmade jewelry feels that way! The one of a kind jewelry definitely has my “mark” with many good wishes and peaceful intentions added.

New Handmade Jewelry from Shadow Dog Designs - Necklaces and Earrings



This quote by Rebekah Joy Plett pretty much says it all when you are a handmade artist:



“When you buy something from an artist you are buying more than an object. You’re buying hundreds of hours of errors and experimentation. You’re buying years of frustration and moments of pure joy. You’re not buying just one thing, you are buying a piece of a heart, a piece of a soul… a piece of someone else’s life.”

4th of July - Celebrate a Handmade Red, White and Blue Holiday!



When in the Course of human events, it becomes necessary for one people to dissolve the political bands which have connected them with another, and to assume among the powers of the earth, the separate and equal station to which the Laws of Nature and of Nature's God entitle them, a decent respect to the opinions of mankind requires that they should declare the causes which impel them to the separation.


Preamble to the Declaration of Independence, written by Thomas Jefferson.


The 4th of July, also known as Independence Day or July 4th, has a tradition of celebrations goes back to the American Revolution.  When the initial battles of the Revolutionary War broke out in April 1775, very few colonists desired complete independence from Great Britain.  But, by the middle of the following year, the idea of independence grew due to the growing hostility against draconian British laws and the spread of revolutionary sentiments, such as the pamphlet published in early 1776 by Thomas Paine, called “Common Sense.”

Give Me Red! - Wonderful Handmade Wednesday on Indiemade


If I could tell you about Red

I would sing to you of fire

Sweet like cherries

Burning like cinnamon

Smelling like a rose in the sun


Dixie Dawn Miller Goode, from Rainbows Around Us: A Celebration of Color

Colors to Love! - Wonderful Handmade Wednesday on Indiemade



Most artists absolutely love a wide range of colors - that’s part of being an artist, right?  Vibrant colors and subdued colors, they all have their places in designs. As Wassily Kandinsky, a Russian painter who is credited with painting the first purely abstract works, once said:


"Color is a power that directly influences the soul."


I totally agree!

New Artisan Handmade Jewelry at Shadow Dog Designs



I love this quote by J. Donald Walters:



When you buy something handmade by a person, there is something special there, and you do feel it.  The consciousness with which the thing is made is often more important than the thing itself.

Handmade Earrings and Necklaces for Mothers Day - New Jewelry by Shadow Dog Designs



It has been almost a month since I last shared my newest Shadow Dog Designs handmade necklaces and earrings.  Where does the time go? Most of my time has been spent getting ready for art shows and then selling at art shows.  My first was last weekend, the Kermezaar Art Festival, with two more big shows this month. Fortunately my stock of jewelry is pretty good, but I always like to have at least a few new things for each show.  Will continue with creating new pieces as soon as this is posted.

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