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Sidewalk Sale and Fall Art Market - El Paso Art Shows




The show season is beginning to pick up for this fall.   Two new ones have been added and I'm participating in each, along with other artist freinds.


The first is the SIDEWALK SALE on October 16 at Placita Santa Fe, in El Paso, TX.  It is a combination of artisan handmade artists and shop owners.  The "official" time is fom 11:00 a.m. - 5:00 p.m., but there will be some ready to go at 10:00, including Nina Eaton with her photography, Candy Mayer with her art and me with my handmade jewelry in our "pop up" tents with out handmade art.  Here's the information:





The second show in October is the FALL ART MARKET with a wide variety of handmade artists:  painters, glass artists, jewelers, mixed media and more.  It is being held at Pam Schuster's Design Studio on 5536 Westwind Drive, El Paso, TX.  The dates are October 30, 10:00 a.m. -  5:00 p.m. and October 31, 11:00 a.m. - 4:00 p.m.  Here's more information:





I hope you come out, enjoy the shows and help support handmade artists!



My contact information:


Indiemade shop:  Shadow Dog Designs

Indiemade blog:  Shadow Dog Designs’ Blog

Blogger Blog:  Shadow Dog Design’s Blogger

Twitter:  ShadowDogDesign

Pinterest:  Shadow Dog Designs

Instagram:  Shadow Dog Designs

Facebook:  Catherine’s Personal Page

Facebook:  ShadowDogDesigns - Jewelry

Tumblr:  Shadow Dog Designs

Flickr:  Shadow Dog Designs' Photostream



Beautifully Unique Handmade Jewelry

for the Discerning Woman


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Good luck on the upcoming

Good luck on the upcoming show.

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