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Happy Easter! - Wonderful Handmade Wednesday on Indiemade




Modern-day Easter is derived from two ancient traditions: one pagan and the other Judeo-Christian. Both pagans and Christians have celebrated death and resurrection themes following the spring equinox for millennia.  A majority of religious historians believe that many elements of the Christian observance of Easter were derived from earlier pagan celebrations.  The name “Easter” itself originated with the names of an ancient goddess.  The Venerable Bede, (672-735 CE), a Christian scholar, first mentioned in his book De Ratione Temporum that Easter was named after Eostre (a.k.a. Eastre). She was the Great Mother Goddess of the Saxon people in Northern Europe. The "Teutonic dawn goddess of fertility was also known as Ostare, Ostara, Ostern, Eostra, Eostre, Eastra and others.  





Wall Flower Blank Greeting Card, Set of 5 Cards and Envelopes, Handmade by Jacki of Christie Cottage



Many centuries before the birth of Christ, most pagan religions in the Mediterranean area celebrated the spring equinox.  A common theme found in many ancient pagan religions described the life of a man-god -- a savior of humanity -- his execution, his visit to the underworld, his resurrection after two or three days, and his ascension to heaven. Cybele, the Phrygian fertility goddess, had a consort, Attis, who was believed to have been born via a virgin birth. Attis was said to have died and been resurrected each year during the period between March 22 - 25.  Many theologians believe that the death and resurrection legends were first associated with Attis were grafted onto the stories of Jesus’ life to make the Christian beliefs more acceptable to pagans.




Lilac Flower Earrings with Purple and Green Lampwork Glass Handmade by Linda of Linda Landig Jewelry



The life of Jesus of Nazareth is recorded in the Christian Gospels.  Good Friday is observed in remembrance of Jesus' execution by the occupying Roman army, and his burial in a cave tomb. Easter Sunday is the day when a group of his female followers first noticed the empty tomb, and believed that his body had been stolen.  An angel (or 2 angels depending on who you read) reassured them that Christ had risen from the dead.  Matthew 28:6-7 says, "He is not here, for He has risen, just as He said. Come, see the place where He was lying. And go quickly and tell His disciples that He has risen from the dead; and behold, He is going before you into Galilee, there you will see Him; behold, I have told you."




Easter Bunny and Pink Tulips Spring Dog Bandana, Collar Slipcover or Scrunchie-style, Handmade by Donna of SewAmazin



The Feast of Easter was well established by the second century, probably making it the oldest Christian observance.  Christian churches in the West observe Easter on the first Sunday after the full moon that occurs on or following the Spring equinox on March 21.  It can be celebrated between March 21 and April 25.  



Since Easter is about resurrection and being born anew, my thoughts turned to flowers.  What better natural symbol (as in the Easter Lily) for Easter.  The artisan handmade items chosen here all are symbolic of flowers, maybe in their actual design, colors or names.  If you want more information or photos for a particular item (s), please click either on the link below the photo or on the actual picture to be taken to the listing.  Enjoy these spring floral beauties:




Red and Turquoise Woodblock Flower Colorful Copper Component Pair (1 pair) Handmade by Kristi of KristiBowmanDesign



Vintage Rose Hand Knit Lace Shawl Handmade by Cathy of CraftingMemories



"Morning Glory" Dichroic Glass Earrings Wire Wrapped with Argentium Wire Handmade by Jo of Umeboshi Jewelry Designs




Purple Amethyst and Green Aventurine Natural Gemsstone Earrings Set in Rustic Dark Copper Handmade by Pmaela of Pebbles at My Feet



Soft Green Hand Knit Baby Booties with Flower Rhinestone Button, 6-12 months, Handmade by Nancy of Nancy's Knots, Lace and More  



Orange and Turquoise Czech Glass Flower Beaded Bracelet Handmade by Gloria of Chrysalis Tribal Jewelry 



Colorful Copper Red Flower Copper Earrings Handmade by Catherine of ShadowDogDesigns



I hope you have enjoyed each and every one of these unique handmade flower inspired creations!  If you would like to make my day and the day of the talented artists featured, please leave a comment.  And any promotion you can do will be greatly appreciated.  Thanks!



My contact information:


Indiemade shop:  ShadowDogDesigns

Indiemade blog:  ShadowDogDesigns’ Blog

Artfire studio:  ShadowDogDesigns

ArtFire Blog:  ShadowDogDesigns' Blog

Google+:  Catherine ShadowDog

Facebook:  ShadowDogDesigns - Jewelry

Twitter:  ShadowDogDesign

Pinterest:  Shadow Dog Designs

Wanelo:  ShadowDog

Rebelmouse:  ShadowDogDesigns

Flickr:  Shadow Dog Designs' Photostream



Beautifully Unique Handmade Jewelry

for the Discerning Woman



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Beautiful selections,

Beautiful selections, Catherine. Thank you for including my shawl. Shared.

Happy Easter

Happy Easter to all!! I know Spring is coming...well it's here but we're still getting quite a bit of rain so I love looking at all these beautiful reminders of Spring!

Happy Easter!

Thanks Catherine!

All tweeted, pinned and the pins were tweeted and the post


Such sweet items! Thanks so

Such sweet items! Thanks so much for including my baby booties in your wonderful blog.


Happy Easter to All

The lovely spring colors of your choices reflect the time of year so well! Thank you so much for including my bracelet.

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