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Monday Twitter Tree - Artisan Handmade - October 1, 2018



Please share your tweets and links on the host blog:  CHRISTIE COTTAGE



Make It an Artisan Handmade Christmas - Week 1



WOW, wasn't last Christmas like . . . last month? Yikes!  According to the Christmas clock, there is only 90 days, 22 hours, 30 minutes and those quickly descending seconds (as of 1:30 a.m. Tuesday morning) until Christmas is here . . . once again!  And it's even closer by the time your read this "Make it an Artisan Handmade Christmas - Week 1" blog post!

Monday Twitter Tree - Artisan Handmade - September 24, 2018



Please share your tweets and links on the host blog:  CHRISTIE COTTAGE



Artisan Handmade Jewelry by Shadow Dog Designs



Since the autumn arts festival season is in full swing, I have been thinking a lot about handmade items, especially since I mostly make one of a kind jewelry.  People always ask me, “How do you come up with the design.” I reply something like this, “To tell the truth, I’m not sure. Most of the time it just happens.” Or, “The Muses were good to me.”  I’m sure a LOT of artists give some semblance of those answer since the “creative idea” is often elusive. But the answers definitely don’t take into account all the years and years of working to perfect your art through taking classes, people giving their opinions, selling (or not) at shows and by trial and error . . . and more trial and error . . . and more trial and error.  Then, suddenly, it just happens.


I found this poster at WalchaHandmade that pretty much sums up the process:  

Monday Twitter Tree - Artisan Handmade - September 10, 2018



Please share your tweets and links with the host blog:  CHRISTIE COTTAGE




Monday Twitter Tree - Artisan Handmade - September 3, 2018




Please share your links and tweets on the host blog:  CHRISTIE COTTAGE




Monday Twitter Tree - Artisan Handmade - August 27, 2018



Please share your tweets and links on the host blog:  CHRISTIE COTTAGE

Second Page, Second Item - Wonderful Handmade Wednesday on Indiemade



Emmaline Bride, writer of The Handmade Wedding Blog, gave three reason to buy handmade:


Handmade is made with love

Handmade is made with care

Handmade is made just for you



I certainly agree with all three of these reasons.  Why buy mass produced items - your neighbor next door can be wearing the exact same thing - when you can buy handmade, which can be  one of a kind, and only YOU own it!

Monday Twitter Tree - Artisan Handmade - August 20, 2018



Please share your tweets and links with the host blog:  CHRISTIE COTTAGE




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