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Blog entry

Monday Twitter Tree - Artisan Handmade - December 10, 2018



Please share your tweets and links on the host blog:  CHRISTIE COTTAGE




Saturday Shopping Spree - Buy Handmade This Christmas!



Please share your tweets and links with the host blog:  CHRISTIE COTTAGE 



CyberMonday Twitter Tree - November 26, 2018



Please share your tweets and links on the host blog:   CHRISTIE COTTAGE




Saturday Shopping Spree - Shop Small



Please share your links and tweets on the host page:  CHRISTIE COTTAGE

Monday Twitter Tree - Artisan Handmade - November 19, 2018



Please share your tweets and link on the host blog:  CHRISTIE COTTAGE




Handmade Gift Ideas - Three for Thursday



When I was browsing the internet the other day, looking for nothing in particular, I stumbled across this quote:


Something Handmade is So Much More Meaningful


It caught my eye, because, being a handmade jewelry artist myself, I promote buying handmade whenever I can, through my own work or the work of others artist friends.  Handmade items ARE more meaningful . . . and are often one of a kind . . . and always have a small piece of the artist’s soul buried in them.

Monday Twitter Tree - Artisan Handmade - November 12, 2018



Please share your tweets and links on the host blog:  CHRISTIE COTTAGE



Autumn Artisan Handmade Gift Ideas - Three for Thursday



According to the calendar, we're about ½ way through autumn, the favorite time of year for many people.  I live in the Desert Southwest and most people don’t associate the desert with fall color. But we have it!  Granted not as eye catching as the forests in along the East Coast or the aspens in many places in the Rockies.  Color is here, nonetheless: glowing yellows and reds and purples of the deciduous trees.  And my amazing cosmos are looming up a storm with carmine reds, pale pinks and glowing white.  The hummingbirds left about a month ago (always sad to see them go) but new migrant birds are showing up, especially the cheerful little juncos.  Am waiting for the beautiful blue scrub jays with their raucous calls and jaunty attitudes to show up under the bird feeders.

Monday Twitter Tree - Artisan Handmade - November 5, 2018



Please share your tweets and links on the home blog:  CHRISTIE COTTAGE

Make It an Artisan Handmade Christmas - Week 6




Week 6 of the Countdown to Christmas quickly came and went and a unique collection of artisan handmade items were shared for all to see.  According to the ever ticking Christmas clock, the jolly man pulled by his team of flying reindeer visit all good boys and girls in only 55 days!  Looking to start your Christmas shopping?  The Countdown is the perfect place to do just that! A good motto to follow: shop early, shop often! And, most of all, SHOP HANDMADE!

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