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Blog entry

Radiant Red - Artisan Handmade Three for Thursday



For friends who know me well, they know red is my all time favorite color.  Always has been and probably always will be (although fuchsia and turquoise are right up there, too).  I love the vibrancy of the color and that, in ancient Egypt, it represented life, health and victory. Yay! 


So when I was musing on what the theme of this week’s Three for Thursday blog, I decided RED was it!  Three handmade items with red as a main component of the design are featured from three artisans. The three artists are:  Charlotte of Covergirlbeads; Jacki of Christie Cottage; and me, Catherine of Shadow Dog Designs. I hope you enjoy these picks and will visit the artists studios for more handmade beauties.

Make It an Artisan Handmade Christmas - Week 3




Week 3 of the Countdown to Christmas sped right on by . . . and a wide variety of lovely artisan handmade and vintage items have been left in its wake.  According to the ever ticking Christmas clock, there is only 75 days until Christmas is here . . . once again. This is the perfect place to start your holiday shopping.  Shop early, shop often!

Give Me Red! - Wonderful Handmade Wednesday on Indiemade


If I could tell you about Red

I would sing to you of fire

Sweet like cherries

Burning like cinnamon

Smelling like a rose in the sun


Dixie Dawn Miller Goode, from Rainbows Around Us: A Celebration of Color

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