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Monday Twitter Tree - Handmade and Vintage - August 21, 2017


Please share your tweets and links with the host blog:  CHRISTIE COTTAGE


Radiant Rainbows! - Wonderful Handmade Wednesday on Indiemade



The monsoon season is still going on here in the Desert Southwest.  Most every afternoon, the sky clouds, the wind starts to howl, thunder can be heard and lightning seen . . . and if we are lucky, rain falls.  As happens so often here, our house can get a deluge but a friend just a few block away may only get a few sprinkles.  If the rain ends at just the right time, a magical rainbow can be seen towards the east.  Sometimes a paler secondary - or even very pale triple - rainbow forms.  A colorful, visual gift!  The photo above shows part of a double rainbow (that tried to turn into a triple rainbow).  At the end of this post is a single rainbow, both taken with my trusty camera.

Monday Twitter Tree - Handmade and Vintage - August 14, 2017


Please share your tweets and links with the host blog:  CHRISTIE COTTAGE



First Artisan Item, Second Page - Wonderful Handmade Wednesday on Indiemade



The week since my last Wonderful Handmade Wednesday on Indiemade blog post just flew by.  Here is is Tuesday evening and I suddenly realized I hadn’t even thought about the post for tomorrow.  Heck, I forgot it was even Tuesday!  Not to fear though . . . there are so many beautiful handmade items in the shops of Indiemade artist friends, that I have a wide range of beauties to choose from.  I decided this week’s post would feature the First Artisan Item, Second Page (as of my typing this).  Even though the picks are widely diverse in style and materials, they all fit beautifully together since they all are handmade from the heart.

Captivating Copper - A Short History with Artisan Handmade Beauties



Throughout the history of man, copper has been one of the most important metals, having been in use for at least 10,000 years, probably more.  Since it could be found in great quantities near the Earth's surface, copper was the first metal mined.  Tools, weapons, household objects, jewelry and many other items were all crafted from copper.

The Charismatic Color of Copper - Wonderful Handmade Wednesday on Indiemade



The first recorded use of copper as a color name in English was in 1594.  It is a charismatic reddish brown color that resembles the color of polished copper.  According to Wikipedia, however, there are about 25 different shades of “copper,” from a verdigris green (copper green) to a dark brown (dark copper).  It is a trendy color, found in everything from jewelry to clothing to household decoration and accents.  Beautiful with shades of green and blue (mint, teals, turquoise, navy), it actually works well with almost any color as this article in Lushome shows:  30 Modern Interior Designs.

Make it a Handmade Summer! - Wonderful Handmade Wednesday on Indiemade




Do you love unique handmade items such as  jewelry, dog bandanas, hand painted tags, copper components and hand knitted tops?  You can find a wide variety of of artisan beauties, imaginative pieces that were created from the heart, in this new blog.  Browse the items and then browse the shops of the artists featured here.  Believe me, you won’t be disappointed.  Let’s make it a handmade summer!!!  

New Jewelry at Shadow Dog Designs - Handmade Beauties




Seven new handmade jewelry creations have been listed in my Shadow Dog Designs shop:  four new necklaces and three new pairs of earrings.  All are very different in design, ranging from fun and funky boho to classic meditative designs.  The seven new beauties, perfect gift ideas for women who love one of a kind, artisan jewelry, are featured below.  To round out the count to an even ten pieces, two pairs of earrings and one necklace that are still looking for a new home are also included.  If a piece of jewelry catches your eye, either click on the photo or the live link below the photo to be taken to the item for more information and photographs.

She Comes in Colors Everywhere - Wonderful Handmade Wednesday on Indiemade





Roses are red and violets are blue and rainbows have seven colors.  Most people live in a colorful world.  As humans, our color vision influences everything from our art and poetry to the colors we paint our homes and the clothing we buy.  But why do we see (or not see) color?  Being of an inquiring mind (and remembering some of what I learned in science), here is the low down in an encapsulated form:

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