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Blog entry

New Jewelry - Necklaces and Earrings Handmade by Shadow Dog Designs



It has been a very long time since I last shared new necklace and earring designs from my SHADOW DOG DESIGNS jewelry shop.  Between doing shows, the holiday rush and other commitments, I've had a hard time pulling anything together.  Until now!  Featured are a baker's dozen of new jewelry designs:  seven necklaces and six pairs of earrings.  They are all one of a kind designs.  If you are interested in anything and want more information, be sure to click the photo or the link below the photo to be taken to the item.  I hope you enjoy the new artisan handmade beauties.  



Make It a Handmade Christmas 2021 - Week 10



Wow!  Christmas Eve will be here in 30 days!  And there are only two more weeks left in the Countdown to Christmas 2021!  Where does the time go? The ever ticking Christmas clock doesn’t let up and keeps ticking down those seconds until Santa and his herd of reindeer make a nighttime visit to leave gifts or lumps of coal. The Countdown is the place for handmade artists to share three of their beautiful (often one of a kind) creations. Need a perfect start to your Christmas shopping?  Shop the Countdown to Christmas: browse and purchase that special piece for that special person!  An excellent rule of thumb to follow this holiday season: SHOP EARLY, SHOP OFTEN! And, most of all, SHOP HANDMADE to support small, independent artisan shops!




New Handmade Earrings and Necklaces by Shadow Dog Designs




It has been several months since I last shared a blog of my newest handmade jewelry.  Between participating in art shows, traveling, my birthday, our anniversary, other commitments and trying to stock my Indiemade shop for the Christmas buying season, the time just sped right on by.  Seems time goes quicker and quicker each and every year!  Whew!  Anyway, I finally pulled together this post to share of my newest earrings and necklaces, six of each.  They are all one of a kind pieces and handmade from the heart.  If a piece catches your eye, please click on the photo or the live link below the photo to be taken to the item for more information and pictures.  I hope you enjoy the beauties below:

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