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Shopping for Christmas Gifts - Tuesday Tag



Please share your links on the host blog:  CHRISTIE COTTAGE



Need Some Love - Artisan Handmade




There is something ALL handmade artists go through:  you design a beautiful piece of jewelry, or create a fabulous painting, or crochet an intricate piece of table art, or . . . the list goes on and on.  You have put so much of yourself into the piece, you love it and you are sure it will sell very, very quickly. Unfortunately, there it still sits in your shop . . . and you have no idea why!

Unique Artisan Handmade - Three for Thursday



The desire to create is one of the deepest yearnings of the human soul. 

Dieter Uchtdorf


Two weeks have already flown . . . and here it is, time for another Three for Thursday blog post.  Three wonderful handmade items from three different artists are featured. The artists highlighted this week are:  Marcia of MarciaMcKinzieArt with unique watercolor batik paintings (I chose all beautiful landscapes); a wide range of fiber crafts by Jacki of Christie Cottage; and unique boho style jewelry by me, Catherine of Shadow Dog Designs.  If something catches your eye, please be sure to click on the photo or the link below the picture to be taken to the item for more photos and information. I hope you enjoy the unique artisan handmade items featured below. And, remember:  BUY HANDMADE!

4th of July - Celebrate a Handmade Red, White and Blue Holiday!



When in the Course of human events, it becomes necessary for one people to dissolve the political bands which have connected them with another, and to assume among the powers of the earth, the separate and equal station to which the Laws of Nature and of Nature's God entitle them, a decent respect to the opinions of mankind requires that they should declare the causes which impel them to the separation.


Preamble to the Declaration of Independence, written by Thomas Jefferson.


The 4th of July, also known as Independence Day or July 4th, has a tradition of celebrations goes back to the American Revolution.  When the initial battles of the Revolutionary War broke out in April 1775, very few colonists desired complete independence from Great Britain.  But, by the middle of the following year, the idea of independence grew due to the growing hostility against draconian British laws and the spread of revolutionary sentiments, such as the pamphlet published in early 1776 by Thomas Paine, called “Common Sense.”

El Paso Artists Studio Tour 2018




This weekend, April 21 and 22, is the El Paso Artists Studio Tour for the Upper Valley and West Side.  A total of nine artist studios will be open so you can check out the wide variety of art being offered.  Join this El Paso tradition and support the arts!

Handmade by Artisans - Three for Thursday




Two weeks have come and gone . . . and here it is time again for another Three for Thursday blog post.  Three for Thursday posts feature three handmade items from three artists. If you look back at previous posts, you will see that the items chosen celebrate a wide variety of artistic skill.  That includes the artists you’ll find this week: eye catching manga and dog figurines by Sam of Shinrin Studio; colorful crocheted accessories and plushies by Michele of Starrfish Studio; and, fun dog themed beauties from Donna of SewAmazin (my dog, Seamus, has several of Donna's dog bandanas - he looks VERY handsome in them!).   

Make it a Handmade Valentine's Day!



Every February 14, candy, flowers and gifts are exchanged between loved ones in several countries, all in the name of St. Valentine. The history of Valentine’s Day contains remnants of both Christian and ancient Roman traditions.  The patron saint himself is shrouded in mystery.  Who is this mysterious Valentine?  Where did traditions associated with Valentine’s Day come from?  Being of inquiring mind, I did some research and decided to share my findings, along with a whole host of artisan handmade items, each one a perfect Valentine’s Day gift for a loved one:

Make It a Handmade Christmas - Countdown - Week 12




Tick . . . tick . . . tick.  According to the Christmas clock, there are now only 19 (!!!) days until Christmas!  It’s hard to believe that December is already here and, with it, the last week of the Countdown to Christmas 2017.  The Countdown has been graciously hosted by Julie and Blue of Blue Morning Expressions on their The Blu Print blog.  Yes, week 12 has come and gone and sixty artisan handmade items were left in its wake, any of which will be perfect for a Christmas gift that was individually handmade from the heart.  Help Santa make it a HANDMADE Christmas this year!  

Make It a Handmade Christmas - Countdown - Week 11




Yikes!  Only one more week left to the end of the Countdown to Christmas that is hosted by Julie and Blu of Blue Morning Expressions!  Hard to believe only 1 more week is left since the weeks have flown by so very quickly - week 11 has come and gone.   According to the ever ticking Christmas clock, there are only 26 days left until Santa shows up and you find out if you have been naughty or nice.  If you have been nice, let’s hope the gifts left for you have all been handmade.  Let’s help Santa make it a HANDMADE Christmas this year!

Make It a Handmade Christmas - Countdown - Week 10



Can you believe that there are only two (!!!) more weeks left of the Countdown to Christmas 2017?  Week 10 quickly came and went.  It seems the closer we get to Christmas, the quicker the week seem to speed on by.  According to the ever ticking Christmas clock, there are only 33 days left until the jolly man in red and white shows up with gifts or lumps of coal.  Let’s hope the gifts are all artisan handmade!  Help Santa make it a HANDMADE Christmas this year!

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