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Captivating Copper - A Short History with Artisan Handmade Beauties



Throughout the history of man, copper has been one of the most important metals, having been in use for at least 10,000 years, probably more.  Since it could be found in great quantities near the Earth's surface, copper was the first metal mined.  Tools, weapons, household objects, jewelry and many other items were all crafted from copper.

New Jewelry at Shadow Dog Designs - Handmade Beauties




Seven new handmade jewelry creations have been listed in my Shadow Dog Designs shop:  four new necklaces and three new pairs of earrings.  All are very different in design, ranging from fun and funky boho to classic meditative designs.  The seven new beauties, perfect gift ideas for women who love one of a kind, artisan jewelry, are featured below.  To round out the count to an even ten pieces, two pairs of earrings and one necklace that are still looking for a new home are also included.  If a piece of jewelry catches your eye, either click on the photo or the live link below the photo to be taken to the item for more information and photographs.

She Comes in Colors Everywhere - Wonderful Handmade Wednesday on Indiemade





Roses are red and violets are blue and rainbows have seven colors.  Most people live in a colorful world.  As humans, our color vision influences everything from our art and poetry to the colors we paint our homes and the clothing we buy.  But why do we see (or not see) color?  Being of an inquiring mind (and remembering some of what I learned in science), here is the low down in an encapsulated form:

Beautiful Firsts - Wonderful Handmade Wednesday on Indiemade


Looking for a handmade gift for a special someone, an item that was made from the heart?  Each of the Beautiful Firsts creations featured below are artisan handcrafted; many are one of a kind designs.  The unique items chosen are the first listing in each shop (as of this post) but there are many more beauties to be discovered if you stay awhile and browse.   Support handmade . . . support handmade artists!

Unique New Handmade Jewelry by Shadow Dog Designs



The Muses have been active - lots of new jewelry, most with a fun, boho flair, have been created recently.  Now all I have to do is to photograph them and get them listed.  Easier said than done!  The newest necklaces and pairs of earrings listings are featured below.  And, to round out the number of jewelry shares to ten, three oldies but goodies that are patiently waiting for a new home can be found at the end.


An Explosion of Flowers! - Wonderful Handmade Wednesday on Indiemade




Flowers always make people better, happier, and more helpful; they are sunshine, food and medicine for the soul. Luther Burbank






Since we there has been quite a long string of triple digit days here in the Desert Southwest, most of my outdoor potted plants have quite blooming, with the exception of a vibrant fuchsia colored geranium that makes me smile every time I look at it.  Now gardening pretty much consists of watering and deadheading the spent blossoms. Hopefully the monsoons will soon show up (they are a bit late this year) and bring much needed rain and cooler temperatures.  Until then, I’ll dream about masses of colorful flowers.

Relaxing Blues and Teals - Wonderful Handmade Wednesday on Indiemade



Blues and teals are relaxing colors, both mentally and physically.  In color psychology, the colors control and heal the emotions, creating emotional balance and stability.  Worldwide, the color blue is the favorite color, a color that is seen as reliable and responsible.  Teal, a hue that is halfway between blue and green, is seen as happy and friendly, and is the most common color requested by photographers for logo designs.  

Shadow Dog Designs - New Handmade Jewelry



The past two weeks have been very busy . . . not so much with making new jewelry and listing new pieces . . . but with life itself.  It seems I find myself coming and going at the same time.  Thank heavens for yoga classes and the bits and pieces of meditation I can do.  They definitely help center my life, to look at what life throws my way with empathy, caring and a sense of humor (or at least I hope!).  

Mother's Day Handmade Jewelry Gift Ideas by Shadow Dog Designs



Mother’s Day will soon be here, just a few short weeks from now.  With all the mass produced jewelry gifts out there, wouldn’t Mom REALLY love a handmade jewelry gift better?  Especially if the earrings or necklace are a one of a kind piece that no one else in the universe has!  Handmade items are made from the heart by the artisan who designed and created the piece.  I know I have always loved an artisan piece - they mean so much more to me than something tens of thousands of other people might have.

Countdown to Mother's Day - Handmade and Vintage Gifts - Week 7



Can you believe that week 7 of the Countdown to Mother's Day, hosted by Julie and Blu of Blue Morning Expressions on their The Blu Print blog, has come and gone?.  Forty-eight (48) artisan handmade items were left in its wake.  Mother’s Day is quickly approaching!  Now is the perfect time to browse gift ideas and buy that perfect gift(s) for your Mum.  Any one of the mostly one of a kind handmade items and vintage items shared this week are perfect for even the pickiest Mom.  Visit the shops of the artists featured and buy Mom something that was handmade from the heart.  

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