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School Daze - Wonderful Handmade Wednesday on Indiemade



When I drive the back way to Spa for Paws, where Seamus goes to romp and play with his doggie friends three days a week, we pass by an elementary school.  Today I noticed on the school sign that the first day of school is August 13, with teachers back at school August 3!!! What??? No wonder I have been bombarded with “back to school” brochures and coupons in the mail. I imagine that there a huge amount of ads on regular TV, but since I only watch PBS, NetFlix or the like, I don’t see them.  Thank heavens for that! But it sure seems awfully early for school to begin. Where has the summer gone???


The school sign prompted the theme for today’s Wonderful Handmade Wednesday on Indiemade, titled School Daze.  The artisan handmade items chosen will be welcome “just because” first day of school gifts, to help counteract the daze of school starting up again.  The meaningful, unique items chosen span a wide range of ages, from kindergarten/first grade through high school. I hope one of the beauties goes to school that first day!

It's an Artisan Handmade Christmas in July!




I always thought Christmas in July was a very modern “holiday,” a marketing ploy since there are no holidays between July 4 and Labor Day (in the U.S.).  But much to my amazement, the first mention of Christmas in July was in Werther, an 1892 French opera with libretto by Édouard Blau, Paul Milliet, and Georges Hartmann.  In the opera, a group of children rehearse a Christmas song in July, to which a character responds: "When you sing Christmas in July, you rush the season."

First in the Shop - Wonderful Handmade Wednesday on Indiemade



I always enjoy browsing through the handmade shops of artist friends.  So much talent and such creativity! This week’s Wonderful Handmade Wednesday on Indiemade features the first item in each shop (as of when this blog was being worked on) featured here:  First In the Shop. Oftentimes the first item is the newest - sometimes it’s not. Either way, the items are all wonderful and each will fill that need for a gift perfectly.  




Summer Fun - Artisan Handmade



Even though summer has not officially arrived - the Summer Solstice will show up on Thursday, June 21 at 4:07 a.m. Mountain Time here in the Borderlands - thermometers tell another story.  June is the month for triple digits here with a high UV index. Then the temperatures cool down when the monsoon season arrives with its amazing lightning displays and much needed rain.  Despite the June heat, we go about our daily lives enjoying the out of doors, albeit in the mornings and evenings mostly: gardening, cooking on the grill, hiking, star gazing, birding, etc. With an altitude of 3740’, we still have gloriously cool mornings and evenings to enjoy being outside.

Blues, Turquoise and Teals - Wonderful Handmade Wednesday on Indiemade




According to scientific studies, blues, turquoise and teals have been found to be some of the most relaxing colors, both mentally and physically, especially the lighter shades.  Peaceful, calm and gentle, these colors have tremendous power to manage stress. They are very soothing colors that help calm the mind, slow down the heart rate, lower blood pressure and reduce anxiety.  From home decor to clothing to jewelry, the colors are favorites.  


Today’s Wonderful Handmade Wednesday on Indiemade features beautiful items created by handmade artists in the three colors:  blue, turquoise and/or teal. I hope you enjoy these choices . . . and feel a bit more relaxed after looking (and perhaps purchasing)!

All Creatures Great and Small - Artisan Handmade



I’ll be the first to admit that I am an avid reader - always have been and, I imagine, always will be.  It seems I have at least 3-4 books going at the same time and have a stack of books by the bed. One of my all time favorite books, one I have read time and time again, is James Herriot’s (real name, James Alfred Wight) All Creatures Great and Small.  I loved that book the most, but also loved the other three in the series: All Things Bright and Beautiful, All Things Wise and Wonderful and The Lord God Made Them All (and the other numerous books he wrote). The books made me laugh and also made me cry as Herriot related his life as a country vet in the fictional town of Darrowby, Yorkshire.   The people he encountered were funny and sometimes maddening, but it was the description of the animals that touched my heart. You could tell Herriot really, truly cared for the animals. By the way, I also thoroughly enjoyed the BBC series on TV . . . but the books were so much better.

First - Wonderful Handmade Wednesday on Indiemade



It’s been a while since I featured a full Wonderful Handmade Wednesday on Indiemade post on my blog.  The month of April was filled with 2 day shows on the weekends (sales were excellent for two and good for two) and I had to take a couple of unexpected short trips.  So last week's post was postponed until this week. It was good to take a short break. Now we are into the second week of May! Where does the time go?


Today’s blog post, First, features ten items from ten handmade artists.  The items chosen are the very first one in the shops (as of when this blog was written).  I hope you enjoy the varied items from these talented artists.

Great Gift Ideas for a Handmade Mothers Day - Week 9



Watch out!  Mother’s Day will be here next Sunday May 13!  It’s not too late to order a handmade gift from the beauties shared this week on the Mother’s Day Countdown 2018, hosted again this year by Julie of Blue Morning Expressions on her The Blu Print blog.  Week 9 came and went and fourteen handmade artisans and one preowned seller shared a total of 45 wonderful items items. Browse the wide range of unique shares for this week - many of them one of a kind designs - visit the shops of the artists featured and buy your Mom something that was HANDMADE from the heart!

Gift Ideas for a Handmade Mothers Day - Week 8




Wow!!!  It’s extremely hard to believe that there only two more weeks of the Mother’s Day Countdown 2018 which is hosted again this year by Julie of Blue Morning Expressions on her The Blu Print blog.  Week 8 came and went and fourteen handmade artisans and one vintage seller shared a total of 45 wonderful items items. Since Mother's Day is quickly gaining on us, on Sunday, May 13, this is the perfect time to start buying a gift for your Mom.  Why don’t you browse the wide range of unique shares for this week - many of them one of a kind designs - visit the shops of the artists featured and buy your Mom something that was HANDMADE from the heart!

Handmade for Mother's Day - Three for Thursday



Being a handmade artist myself, I have always loved this quote:  



You can't buy LOVE, but you can buy HANDMADE . . .  and that's kind of the same thing.



Handmade artists put a great amount of heart and soul and love into their pieces.  So, in my humble opinion, you ARE buying love. Each of the three items from three artists featured below put a LOT of themselves into each piece.  I hope you enjoy these fabulous beauties. And remember: Mother’s Day will be here soon!

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