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Blog entry

Artisan Handmade Jewelry by Shadow Dog Designs



Since the autumn arts festival season is in full swing, I have been thinking a lot about handmade items, especially since I mostly make one of a kind jewelry.  People always ask me, “How do you come up with the design.” I reply something like this, “To tell the truth, I’m not sure. Most of the time it just happens.” Or, “The Muses were good to me.”  I’m sure a LOT of artists give some semblance of those answer since the “creative idea” is often elusive. But the answers definitely don’t take into account all the years and years of working to perfect your art through taking classes, people giving their opinions, selling (or not) at shows and by trial and error . . . and more trial and error . . . and more trial and error.  Then, suddenly, it just happens.


I found this poster at WalchaHandmade that pretty much sums up the process:  

New Handmade Jewelry from Shadow Dog Designs - Necklaces and Earrings



This quote by Rebekah Joy Plett pretty much says it all when you are a handmade artist:



“When you buy something from an artist you are buying more than an object. You’re buying hundreds of hours of errors and experimentation. You’re buying years of frustration and moments of pure joy. You’re not buying just one thing, you are buying a piece of a heart, a piece of a soul… a piece of someone else’s life.”

Handmade by Artisans - Three for Thursday




Another Three for Thursday blog post is here, and with it, three items from three handmade artisans are featured.  The artists in this post are:  Julie of Blue Morning Expressions who works in a wide range of mediums; Marcia of MarciaMcKenzieArt with exquisite watercolor batik art; and unique jewelry by Sharon of BlondePeachJewelry.  I hope you enjoy the handmade items featured today.  Be sure to visit the artists’ shops to find even more beauties.

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