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St. Patricks Day Gift Ideas - Artisan Handmade



St. Patrick’s Day will be here before we know it, when all those with Irish heritage (or those that wish they had Irish blood) wear green and wax lyrical about the The Emerald Isles.  And, if you have ever visited Éire, you will know the nagging inner yearning to always go back.


It’s with St. Patrick’s Day in mind that I decided to share seven items from seven handmade artists, all featuring the color green in its many shades.  Why seven beauties you might ask? I chose that number from two symbols that always show up for St. Patrick’s Day, symbols which are often confused: the shamrock (which has 3 leaves) and the lucky four leaf clover (which, obviously from its name, has 4 leaves).  Seven leaves, seven items. The shamrock is a three-leaved clover, a plant was used by Saint Patrick to illustrate the doctrine of the Trinity. It is the national symbol of Ireland, the word coming from seamróg, the Irish name for the plant. The four leaf clover is an aberration of white clover which normally only has three leaves.  Occasionally white clover produces an extra leaf, making finding one especially lucky.

Autumn Beauties - Artisan Handmade Three for Thursday



“Autumn is a second spring where every leaf is a flower” . . . Albert Camus


Even though it still is getting into the low 90’s here in the Desert Southwest, the mornings have begun to fill with the glorious tentacles of autumn.  Everyone I know wants to linger as long as they can outside, sipping their coffee or tea, reading the newspaper, or, like me, just sitting and taking it all in.  Not as many hummingbirds are practicing gluttony at the hummingbird feeders. Am assuming many are winging their way further south for the coming winter. I’ll miss them - a bittersweet goodbye.  Fall is just around the corner.

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