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Fall Fun - Artisan Handmade



“Fall has always been my favorite season. The time when everything bursts with its last beauty, as if nature had been

saving up all year for the grand finale.”

 Lauren DeStefano


For many, many people, fall is a favorite time of the year, when the heat of summer dissipates into the coolness of autumn and the deciduous trees are a riot of color.  Here in the Desert Southwest, the temperatures are still reaching the mid-90’s during the day.  But the temps in the morning are dipping into the mid-60’s, a glorious reminder that the first cool front will blow through any day now.  A perfect time for gardening.  And just to sit and watch the grand finale . . .  and to just be . . . 

Christian Cross Jewelry - Artisan Handmade by Shadow Dog Designs




To a Christian, crosses are a symbol of atonement and reminds them of God's love in sacrificing his own son for humanity.  Despite being associated primarily with Christianity, many cross symbols were used as religious symbols pre-Christianity, especially in Europe and western Asia.  Crosses can be found carved on rocks and in caves dating back to the Upper Paleolithic period, approximately 50,000 to 12,000 years ago.  During the European Bronze Age (app. 3200 - 600 B.C), cross symbols seemed to carry a religious meaning, possibly a symbol of consecration especially during burials.  For at least two centuries after the crucifixion of Christ, the symbol of Christianity (when it was depicted) was a headless T-shaped Tau cross.  Gradually over time, the Tau cross was replaced by the Greek cross, with arms of equal length, then by the Latin cross (or Roman cross) with a longer descending arm, which is the most common cross used today.  Crosses come in many different variants, all having a religious meaning.  If you are interested in seeing some of the variants and what they mean, I find these two links to be especially helpful:  Christian Cross Variants and Kinds of Crosses--What the Different Designs Mean.

Colors for Autumn - Artisan Handmade - Three for Thursday



Despite the days still being in the mid- to high-90’s here in the Borderlands (unusual here for this time of the year), the last few mornings have had a tinge of autumn in the air.  I’m definitely ready for the cooler breezes and being able to leave the windows open. Purple asters will bloom and the cottonwoods will turn a glorious golden yellow. Fall will soon be here (I hope!).


With autumn in mind, I decided to choose handmade beauties in fall colors for this Three for Thursday titles, appropriately enough, Colors for Autumn.  The artists today are: Kathy of KatsAllThat; Pamela of MagdaleneKnits; and me, Catherine of Shadow Dog Designs. I hope you enjoy my autumn inspired picks and will visit the shops of the artists for more wondrous handmade fall elegance.

Flowers for Your Ears - Handmade Floral Earrings by Shadow Dog Designs



“I must have flowers, always, and always.”

Claude Monet



I totally agree with Monet.  There are a lot of things I can give up in life, but flowers are not one of them.  To plant a seed or seedlings into the ground . . . and then a miracle happens. Sometimes slowly and sometimes quickly, the plant grows and flowers emerge.  I have been redesigning flower beds here at our house using a wide range of water wise plants: knipofia (called “mango popsicle’ - truly well named), several salvias in several colors, a fabulous penstemon; Russian sage, Texas red yucca, gauras and many colors of the workhorse of the desert garden, the glorious lantana.  Every plant I chose has to benefit bees, butterflies and/or hummingbirds. I have seen bees and butterflies on the flowers, but the hummingbirds seems to prefer the feeder and the mimosa tree, which is blooming right now. Several times a day, I go out and just look, and am always filled with a sense of wonder and awe at the sheer beauty at what is happening.

Autumn Artisan Handmade Gift Ideas - Three for Thursday



According to the calendar, we're about ½ way through autumn, the favorite time of year for many people.  I live in the Desert Southwest and most people don’t associate the desert with fall color. But we have it!  Granted not as eye catching as the forests in along the East Coast or the aspens in many places in the Rockies.  Color is here, nonetheless: glowing yellows and reds and purples of the deciduous trees.  And my amazing cosmos are looming up a storm with carmine reds, pale pinks and glowing white.  The hummingbirds left about a month ago (always sad to see them go) but new migrant birds are showing up, especially the cheerful little juncos.  Am waiting for the beautiful blue scrub jays with their raucous calls and jaunty attitudes to show up under the bird feeders.

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