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Florence, Italy, Baby Clothes and Flower Earrings - Three for Thursday - February 18, 2021



How do all of the diverse items in the title of this week's Three for Thursday blog come together?  The answer:  three artisans are featured with three totally different artistic styles!  That’s exactly what you’re getting:  gigitally enhanced original photos of Florence, Italy; hand crocheted baby clothes; and, handmade flower earrings.  The artists included today are Giacomo of JagoDesigns2, Pamela of MagdaleneKnitsand me, Catherine of Shadow Dog Designs.  If one of these gorgeous item catches your eye and you want more information and photos, please click the photo or the live link to be taken to the item in the artist’s shop.  I hope you enjoy these picks for this week.  And, remember, SUPPORT HANDMADE ARTISTS.

Countdown to Christmas 2016 - Week 2 - Italy

Carved life size presepe, Santa Maria d'Aracoeli Presepe Christmas Day Rome, 2012; photo by Margot Balboni


Traditionally, Christmas in Italy is celebrated over several weeks, from December 6th, St. Nicholas Day, until January 6, the Feast of the Epiphany.  On St. Nicholas Day, children write letters to St Nicholas asking for gifts and they hang up either a sock or put a plate on the table on the eve of Nicholas Day’s.  If the children have been good throughout the last year, they will get some fruits, nuts and sweets from St. Nicholas while the naughty ones will also get a sweet, but one looking like lump of coal. The main gift giving day is January 6 - the day on which the Wise Men brought their gifts to the Christ Child.

Colorful Doors to Adventure



As long as I can remember, I have always been fascinated with unique doors, whether they are ancient, colorful or beautifully carved . . . or all three at once.  An urge to see what lays beyond the door comes over me, what adventures are beyond.  Needless to say, I have a Pinterest board dedicated to doors, gates and windows - but mostly doors seem to get pinned.  This blog post is dedicated to 15 of my most favorite, which was a very hard to choose.  I could have gone on and on.  Photographers are given credit where credit is due, but, even with a google search, I came up blank on who took many of these.  Also, if the information was given, I included where the door was found.

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