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School Daze - Wonderful Handmade Wednesday on Indiemade



When I drive the back way to Spa for Paws, where Seamus goes to romp and play with his doggie friends three days a week, we pass by an elementary school.  Today I noticed on the school sign that the first day of school is August 13, with teachers back at school August 3!!! What??? No wonder I have been bombarded with “back to school” brochures and coupons in the mail. I imagine that there a huge amount of ads on regular TV, but since I only watch PBS, NetFlix or the like, I don’t see them.  Thank heavens for that! But it sure seems awfully early for school to begin. Where has the summer gone???


The school sign prompted the theme for today’s Wonderful Handmade Wednesday on Indiemade, titled School Daze.  The artisan handmade items chosen will be welcome “just because” first day of school gifts, to help counteract the daze of school starting up again.  The meaningful, unique items chosen span a wide range of ages, from kindergarten/first grade through high school. I hope one of the beauties goes to school that first day!

It's an Artisan Handmade Christmas in July!




I always thought Christmas in July was a very modern “holiday,” a marketing ploy since there are no holidays between July 4 and Labor Day (in the U.S.).  But much to my amazement, the first mention of Christmas in July was in Werther, an 1892 French opera with libretto by Édouard Blau, Paul Milliet, and Georges Hartmann.  In the opera, a group of children rehearse a Christmas song in July, to which a character responds: "When you sing Christmas in July, you rush the season."

Summer Fun - Artisan Handmade



Even though summer has not officially arrived - the Summer Solstice will show up on Thursday, June 21 at 4:07 a.m. Mountain Time here in the Borderlands - thermometers tell another story.  June is the month for triple digits here with a high UV index. Then the temperatures cool down when the monsoon season arrives with its amazing lightning displays and much needed rain.  Despite the June heat, we go about our daily lives enjoying the out of doors, albeit in the mornings and evenings mostly: gardening, cooking on the grill, hiking, star gazing, birding, etc. With an altitude of 3740’, we still have gloriously cool mornings and evenings to enjoy being outside.

New Jewelry Designs by Shadow Dog Designs, Necklaces and Earrings



It has been three weeks since the last blog share of the new handmade earrings and necklaces in my Shadow Dog Designs jewelry shop.  I have been extremely busy making new pieces with the resulting product photography, photo editing and listing the new pieces . . . with MUCH more to come.  Shared below are the nine new pieces listed since my last “new” blog.  Also two “oldies but goodies” necklace are included, two of my favorites.  

Three for Thursday - Artisan Handmade



As I was toying around with the idea for a new set of blog posts, Three for Thursday became an “Aha!” moment.  My plan is to feature three items from three handmade artists in each post, hopefully at least twice a month.  The items will be wide ranging from a variety of materials, most, but not all, one of a kind beauties.  In this inaugural post, the artists I have chosen are:  Mary of PrettyGonzo; Jacki of Christie Cottage; and me, Catherine of Shadow Dog Designs.  If something catches your eye, please be sure to click on the photo or the link below the picture to be taken to the item for more photos and information.  I hope you enjoy the unique artisan handmade items featured below:

Make It a Handmade Christmas - Countdown - Week 2



Tick, tock, tick, tock . . . the Christmas Clock shows that there are only 89 days left until the Jolly Man in red arrives.


With the approaching gift giving season in mind, Julie and Blu of BlueMorningExpressions are hosting a twelve-week Countdown to Christmas 2017 of artisan handmade items on their BluPrint blog.  The twelve week time period was chosen to correspond with the Christmas carol "The Twelve Days of Christmas.”  Week 2 has come and gone on Julie and Blu's "Countdown to Christmas 2017." In its wake, a wonderful assortment of handmade items were shared:  from jewelry to crocheted and knitted items; from lampwork glass beads to wooden Christmas ornaments; from photography to original art, and many, many more creative beauties!

Make It a Handmade Christmas - Countdown - Week 1



WOW, wasn't last Christmas like . . . last month? Yikes!  According to the Christmas clock, there is only 96 days, 20 hours, 54 minutes and those rapidly descending seconds until Christmas is here . . . once again!  And it's even closer by the time your read this!

Radiant Rainbows! - Wonderful Handmade Wednesday on Indiemade



The monsoon season is still going on here in the Desert Southwest.  Most every afternoon, the sky clouds, the wind starts to howl, thunder can be heard and lightning seen . . . and if we are lucky, rain falls.  As happens so often here, our house can get a deluge but a friend just a few block away may only get a few sprinkles.  If the rain ends at just the right time, a magical rainbow can be seen towards the east.  Sometimes a paler secondary - or even very pale triple - rainbow forms.  A colorful, visual gift!  The photo above shows part of a double rainbow (that tried to turn into a triple rainbow).  At the end of this post is a single rainbow, both taken with my trusty camera.

Countdown to Mother's Day - Handmade and Vintage - Week 1


Julie and Blu of BlueMorningExpressions are once again hosting a wildly popular "Mother's Day Countdown” on their BluPrint blog.  Last year's Mother's Day Countdown 2016 was a resounding success so a 2017 version is up and running.  Since Mother's Day will be here before you know it, now is the perfect time to start thinking about and buying a gift(s) for your Mum.  Browse the handmade and vintage shares for this week, visit the shops of the artists featured and buy Mum something that was handmade from the heart or that will re-live as a vintage piece.

Shadow Dog Designs - New Handmade Necklace and Earrings Gift Ideas




Fortunately the Muses have finally come back from an extended vacation (just in time) and I have been busy creating quite a few new necklaces and pairs of earrings.  Many designs have a definite boho flair and some are supremely elegant.  With the spring arts festival season quickly approaching, my handmade jewelry stock definitely needs to be replenished.  There will be many more new jewelry listings in the coming weeks.

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