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Fun Halloween Earrings - Artisan Handmade



This slightly altered version of this blog post first appeared here:  FUN HALLOWEEN EARRINGS


Halloween will soon be here.  In less than a week from today, the ghouls and princesses and pirates and vampires and who knows what else will arrive at the front door, trick or treating for candy.  The three pairs of earrings below are perfect to wear pre-Halloween, to Halloween parties . . . or to wear when adding that all important candy to treat bags!

New Artisan Handmade Earrings and Necklaces by Shadow Dog Designs



Autumn has finally made its way here to the Borderlands.  Am enjoying the cool wind blowing through the window as I sit and type this or as I create new necklaces and earrings. It’s wonderful to be able to turn off the AC, open the windows and screen doors and air out the house.  Better sleeping weather, too. Autumn is the best!


Speaking of Autumn, the handmade show season continues.  My next is the Western Hills Fall Bazaar, a 41 year tradition.  It’s a new show for me. Am trying it out because other artist friends kept saying how good it was.  LOTS of foot traffic, I’ve been told. Have LOTS of new earrings to take and some new necklaces. We’ll see.


Because of shows, I haven’t listed a huge amount of new items in my Shadow Dog Designs jewelry shop since the last time I shared, almost a month ago.  But here are the handmade beauties:  six pairs of new earrings, two new necklaces and two oldies but goodies to make the count an even ten.  Enjoy!

Artisan Handmade Jewelry by Shadow Dog Designs



Since the autumn arts festival season is in full swing, I have been thinking a lot about handmade items, especially since I mostly make one of a kind jewelry.  People always ask me, “How do you come up with the design.” I reply something like this, “To tell the truth, I’m not sure. Most of the time it just happens.” Or, “The Muses were good to me.”  I’m sure a LOT of artists give some semblance of those answer since the “creative idea” is often elusive. But the answers definitely don’t take into account all the years and years of working to perfect your art through taking classes, people giving their opinions, selling (or not) at shows and by trial and error . . . and more trial and error . . . and more trial and error.  Then, suddenly, it just happens.


I found this poster at WalchaHandmade that pretty much sums up the process:  

Need Some Love - Artisan Handmade




There is something ALL handmade artists go through:  you design a beautiful piece of jewelry, or create a fabulous painting, or crochet an intricate piece of table art, or . . . the list goes on and on.  You have put so much of yourself into the piece, you love it and you are sure it will sell very, very quickly. Unfortunately, there it still sits in your shop . . . and you have no idea why!

4th of July - Celebrate a Handmade Red, White and Blue Holiday!



When in the Course of human events, it becomes necessary for one people to dissolve the political bands which have connected them with another, and to assume among the powers of the earth, the separate and equal station to which the Laws of Nature and of Nature's God entitle them, a decent respect to the opinions of mankind requires that they should declare the causes which impel them to the separation.


Preamble to the Declaration of Independence, written by Thomas Jefferson.


The 4th of July, also known as Independence Day or July 4th, has a tradition of celebrations goes back to the American Revolution.  When the initial battles of the Revolutionary War broke out in April 1775, very few colonists desired complete independence from Great Britain.  But, by the middle of the following year, the idea of independence grew due to the growing hostility against draconian British laws and the spread of revolutionary sentiments, such as the pamphlet published in early 1776 by Thomas Paine, called “Common Sense.”

Artisan Handmade Gift Ideas - Three for Thursday




I love this quote by Zac Posen, an American fashion designer, since it’s the way I feel about making artisan handmade items and buying artisan handmade items to gift to friends:  



I want to make things of quality. I'm a big believer in handmade, tactile, crafted pieces. I want to keep that tradition alive.

Handmade for Mother's Day - Three for Thursday



Being a handmade artist myself, I have always loved this quote:  



You can't buy LOVE, but you can buy HANDMADE . . .  and that's kind of the same thing.



Handmade artists put a great amount of heart and soul and love into their pieces.  So, in my humble opinion, you ARE buying love. Each of the three items from three artists featured below put a LOT of themselves into each piece.  I hope you enjoy these fabulous beauties. And remember: Mother’s Day will be here soon!

Handmade Earrings and Necklaces for Mothers Day - New Jewelry by Shadow Dog Designs



It has been almost a month since I last shared my newest Shadow Dog Designs handmade necklaces and earrings.  Where does the time go? Most of my time has been spent getting ready for art shows and then selling at art shows.  My first was last weekend, the Kermezaar Art Festival, with two more big shows this month. Fortunately my stock of jewelry is pretty good, but I always like to have at least a few new things for each show.  Will continue with creating new pieces as soon as this is posted.

Gift Ideas for a Handmade Mothers Day - Week 4




Can you believe that four weeks of the Mother’s Day Countdown 2018, hosted by Julie of Blue Morning Expressions on her The Blu Print blog, have come already come and gone?  Eighteen artists shared a total of 54 items. Since Mother's Day will be here before you know it, on Sunday, May 13, this is the perfect time to start making a list of gift ideas / buying a gift for your Mom.  Browse all the wonderful handmade shares for this week, many of them one of a kind designs, visit the shops of the artists featured and buy your Mom something that was HANDMADE from the heart.

Gift Ideas for a Handmade Mothers Day - Week 3



The third week of the Mother’s Day Countdown 2018, hosted by Julie of Blue Morning Expressions on her The Blu Print blog, came and went far too quickly.  But a LOT of wonderful artisan handmade items were left in its wake. Since Mother's Day will be here before you know it, on Sunday, May 13, this is the perfect time to start thinking about (and buying a gift) for your Mom.  Browse all the wonderful handmade shares for this week, many of them one of a kind designs, visit the shops of the artists featured and buy your Mom something that was handmade from the heart.

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